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Senate elections in Oise: triumph of Olivier Pacco

Olivier Pacco is replenished. According to the results of the Senate elections, the 54-year-old outgoing senator (DVD) scored 41.67% and took first place. And, above all, second place on his list is “Our Party – Oise”. He thus retained his position in the Senate and allowed his running mate and mayor of Tracy-le-Mont Sylvie Valente-Le Hir to sit next to him at the Luxembourg Palace. A triumph for a man who was elected six years ago in opposition to the Republican party. Moreover, the latter had 50 votes left to get third place.

“It’s a great joy to get such a good result and also to bring a woman to the Senate,” reacts Olivier Pacco. And to sum up the two key words of his victorious campaign: “Work and intimacy.” “This is the fruit of six years of work,” says Sylvie Valente-Le Hir next to him. Still right-wing, Edouard Courtial (ex-LPR) also retains his seat in the upper house with a result of 16.01%.

On the other hand, this is a disdain for the only right-wing senator who remained loyal to the Republic of Lithuania, Jerome Basher, who paid the price for the victory of Olivier Pacco and received only 11.63% of the votes. Although he was absent when the results were announced, Olivier Pacco wanted to pay tribute to his colleague. “Jerome did not deserve expulsion from the Senate and this bitter defeat. He is a very hard working man and I feel sorry for him. »

“The left continues to exist”

As for the 35-year-old socialist Alexandre Huisil, he managed to become the successor of Laurence Rossignol, who appeared in Val-de-Marne with concern for the renewal of the left forces of Oise. With 18.24% of the votes, he rose to second position in the election. When the results were announced, the president of the socialist group in the regional council, who will leave office in the coming weeks, did not hide his happiness at his election.

“The idea was for the left to continue to exist. Six years ago we were fourth, and here we finished second, this is real satisfaction. “Especially since he was a newbie. “That was an added challenge, especially in a department that leans to the right.” However, disappointment was caused by the National Association, whose list leader Milen Troschinski hoped for a “positive result.” If in the last elections she showed a better result than Michel Guigno (3.39%), she received only 6.27% of the votes and took 5th place.

Source: Le Parisien

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