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New York identifies more than 18,000 jobs available for immigrants

New York identifies more than 18,000 jobs available for immigrants

New York identifies more than 18,000 jobs available for immigrants

The governor of New York, Kathy Hochulannounced this Monday that more than 18,000 available jobs have been identified in various areas, from technology to agriculture, with almost 400 employers willing to hire immigrants who obtained their work permits in U.S.

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Hochul ordered on August 24th for Department of Labor of the state to study with employers which vacancies could be filled by immigrant workers and in this way help them leave the shelters where they have been staying since they arrived New York.

On August 21, the Presidential Administration Joe Biden reported that it will grant work permits to Venezuelan immigrants, which will have a major impact New Yorkwhere more than 100,000 undocumented immigrants arrived last year, most of them from that country, and half remain in the city’s care, which has created a humanitarian and fiscal crisis.

“Immigrants came here to work, so let’s put them to work”said the governor today, who made the announcement during a press conference.

“Right now, we have a migration crisis and a labor crisis. Connecting the right people to work with jobs It is opportunities in New York“We can solve both and ensure a better future for all New Yorkers.”he claimed.

Hochul and the mayor of New York, Eric Adamsconsidered the announcement of Biden in giving work permits to Venezuelans as a big reliefafter months of intense lobbying with the Home White demanding financial aid and work permits for immigrants to whom the city provides shelter, meals and other assistance.

Adams said the uninterrupted flow of immigrants “This will destroy New York” and estimates that next year the the deficit that will be faced will be 12 billion dollarswhich will force him to reduce services provided to communities in the five districts.

According to data provided by HochulMost jobs are concentrated in the city, where there are reportedly 9,801 available, followed by the Hudson Valleyin the north of the state, with 2,896 and 1,294 in Long Island.

Source: Elcomercio

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