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October: In 1946 the sentences were announced at the Nuremberg Tribunal

October: In 1946 the sentences were announced at the Nuremberg Tribunal

October: In 1946 the sentences were announced at the Nuremberg Tribunal

In addition, in 1951 the boxing match between two greats was held: Joe Louis and Rocky Marciano. And in 1931 the inventor Thomas Alva Edison passed away.


The October 1, 1946 El Comercio titled: “The International Court Issued Sentence” to report on the Nazi leaders sentenced to death and those who received life imprisonment and other sentences. Among those sentenced to hang were Hermann Goering, Alfred Jodl and Wilhelm Keitel.


“Armed with grenades and submachine guns, six rebels shot at the Egyptian president from an armored vehicle that was participating in a parade,” the dean reported on the deadly attack by the October 6, 1981 against Anwar Sadat, who had ruled his country since 1970 and had participated in the important peace agreement with Israel, signed at Camp David in 1979.


Considered one of the new Seven Wonders of the World, the Christ the Redeemer of Rio de Janeiro was inaugurated on October 12, 1931. The monumental work, 38 meters high and 1,145 tons in weight, was designed by the architect Heitor Da Silva Costa, and is located on the Corcovado hill.

Atentado vs Anwar Sadat. (Photo: AFP Agency)

Other events in October

October 3: The film “The Maltese Falcon”, starring Humphrey Bogart, opens in the United States. (1941)

October 7: The Battle of Lepanto takes place, naval combat between the Ottoman Empire and the Holy League. (1571)

October 8th: A fire in Chicago kills 300 people and leaves 90,000 homeless. (1871)

October 13: Louis Rwagasore, prince and prime minister of Burundi, is assassinated. (1961)

October 15th: Nazi military man Hermann Goering commits suicide. (1946)

October 18: American inventor Thomas Alva Edison passes away. (1931)

October 26th: Boxer Rocky Marciano defeats former champion Joe Louis. (1951)

Christ the Redeemer.  (Photo: AFP Agency)

Christ the Redeemer. (Photo: AFP Agency)


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