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Pedro Sánchez defends his coalition government as the “only wall” against the far right in Spain

The candidate for the Presidency of the Spanish Government, Pedro SanchesThis Wednesday, he defended the coalition government that he proposes for the next four years as the “only wall” against the extreme right in Spain.

Sanchez I made this defense of what will be his new Executive if he is re-elected president in his intervention in the parliamentary debate held in the Spanish Congress for his investiture.

LOOK: Follow Pedro Sánchez’s investiture debate LIVE in the Spanish Congress, latest news

The socialist leader warned the Chamber that “you have to choose” between those who are committed to women’s empowerment or those who “want to lock them in the kitchen”, among those who want to advance or want to support “the prophets of hate”

He also warned about those who want to lock immigrants in refugee explaining the dilemma he faces Spainaccusing “the retrograde right” that what they do is “exude classism, deny the achievement of rights and despise those they love in ways different from them”.

In that regard, He also drew attention to the far-right parties that in the last decade have doubled their votes in Europe. and they occupied one in every four seats.

But this is not just the merit of these trainings, he highlighted, because If they expanded it was “thanks to a traditional right that blessed them as traveling companions and opened the doors of these governments”.

The Spanish Congress celebrates today the first of the days of parliamentary debate to invest Sanchezwhat It is expected that in tomorrow’s vote there will be 179 votes in favor, a number higher than the 176 that represent the absolute majority of a total of 350 deputies.

At the center of the controversy over the pacts reached for the return to government is the amnesty law, which directly affects Catalan independence activists, including the former regional president of Catalonia. Carles Puigdemonta fugitive from Spanish justice in Brussels.

This law has provoked massive demonstrations in recent days in Spain, which is why the parliamentary debate is surrounded by strong security measures around Congress.

Source: Elcomercio

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