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Leaders evacuated, police injured as pro-Palestinian demonstration outside US Democratic headquarters descends into chaos

Two days after the March for Israel, which brought together at least one hundred thousand people in Washington, a demonstration of about 150 people caused chaos this Wednesday evening in the Capitol area in the American capital. Police said they evacuated the area around the Democratic National Committee headquarters after arrests were made during a pro-Palestinian rally that turned violent.

Capitol Police said. Police had previously put the number of people at around 150 and said they were “vehemently protesting in the area”.

“Six officers were treated for injuries.”

“Six officers were treated this evening for injuries ranging from minor cuts to punches and tear gas spray. “A man has been arrested for assaulting an officer,” Capitol Police said in a news release from the House office buildings located near Democratic Party headquarters.

All three major House Democratic leaders were inside when the clashes broke out outside, according to a source close to Joe Biden’s party. The latter were evacuated to the Capitol. California Rep. Brad Sherman told CNN’s NewsNight that he was among members evacuated to the Capitol and criticized protesters for “their willingness to attack the police.”

Democratic Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Whip Katherine Clarke and Caucus Chairman Pete Aguilar were in the building with other Democrats for a reception hosted by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).

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“I mean, yesterday there were 200,000 pro-Israel demonstrators with permits, completely peaceful,” Brad Sherman also added. “And here you have a protest, a thousand times smaller than the previous one, which also attracts media attention and which receives advertising because their desire is to attack the police,” the democrat assured.

Illinois Rep. Sean Casten said on social media that he was one of the members of Congress evacuated during the protest, writing that he was “grateful to the Capitol Police for the safe evacuation of all members and staff.” “You have a constitutional right to peacefully assemble and protest. But to block all entrances to a building where several members of Congress are guarded by Capitol Police officers who survived January 6th is to endanger yourself and other innocent people,” he added, recalling the trauma caused by the attack on the Capitol. Trumpist supporters January 6, 2020

IfNotNow, a group that describes itself as “American Jews organizing our community to end U.S. support for Israel’s apartheid system,” said it attended the protest and accused officers of mistreating demonstrators. .

Source: Le Parisien

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