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Israel releases three Palestinian women and thirty children on fourth day of truce

Israel today released three women and thirty children held in Israeli prisons in response to the surrender of Hamas of the 13 Israeli hostages he had in his possession, on the fourth day of the truce between both parties and which today was extended for another two days.

He Israel Prison Service confirmed the fourth round of releases of Palestinian prisoners from prisons in Katziot, Nafha, Ramon, Damon, Megiddo It is To offer.

LOOK HERE: What did the Hamas hostages say?: They ate bread and rice, slept on chairs and waited hours to go to the bathroom

The prisoners were gathered in the Offer prisonclose to the city of Betuniawhere they are being taken from Red Cross towards different Israeli military checkpoints.

Hours earlier, the Islamic group Hamas confirmed receipt of the list of Palestinian prisoners who will be released today by Israel under an agreement under which 11 hostages held captive in Link are also released.

“The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas announces that it has received a list of prisoners who will be released today from the prisons of the Zionist enemy“, said the group in a message published on Telegram, which also detailed that those released will be 3 women and 30 minors.

As on the previous three days, prisoners were only released Israel received its citizens.

According to a group of hostage family members, the 11 freed are residents of the kibbutz Nir Oza community adjacent to Gaza stripand five of them have dual Israeli and Argentine nationality, a diplomatic source told EFE.

On the other hand, according to QatarThree of the hostages also have French nationality and two have German nationality, in addition to Israeli nationality.

With these releases, the first phase of the agreement is concluded, which lasted four days and provided for the release of 50 Israeli hostages and 150 Palestinian prisoners.

The Islamist group also released at least 19 additional people not included in the deal, including 17 Thais, a Filipino and a hostage with dual Russian-Israeli nationality.

MORE INFORMATION: Six Israelis of Argentine nationality are among the hostages released by Hamas this Monday

This Monday, shortly before the expiration of the pact that came into force on Friday morning, Hamas, Qatar and U.S They announced that this would last for another two days, during which the Islamic group will release at least 10 hostages per day.

Israel declared war on Hamas in October 7th after an attack by the Islamic group, which included the launch of more than 4,000 rockets and the infiltration of around 3,000 militiamen, who killed around 1,200 people and kidnapped more than 240 in Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip.

Since then, Israel’s air, naval and land forces have counterattacked in the Palestinian enclave, where more than 15,000 people have died, according to Palestinian authorities, most of them children and women, and it is estimated that more than 7,000 people are missing under the rubble. .

Source: Elcomercio

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