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Macron tells Maduro that the EU could lift sanctions if Caracas fulfills the agreement with the opposition

Macron tells Maduro that the EU could lift sanctions if Caracas fulfills the agreement with the opposition

Macron tells Maduro that the EU could lift sanctions if Caracas fulfills the agreement with the opposition

The President of France, Emmanuel Macronhe said to his Venezuelan counterpart, Nicolás Madurothat the EU “should gradually lift sanctions” against the South American country, as long as Caracas fulfills the commitments it signed in October with the opposition in Barbados.

To achieve this objective, France is willing, in particular, to contribute to the social fund for the civilian population, managed by the United Nations.” Eliseu added in a statement, which reported the telephone interview of both leaders.

After the Barbados agreement on October 17, signed by the Maduro Government and the opposition Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) in view of the 2024 presidential elections, the administration of the American president, Joe Biden, eased his country’s sanctions on Venezuela in the oil, gas and gold sector for at least six months.

The French presidency did not provide details about this possible lifting of sanctions by the EU.

In any case, Elisha welcomed the Barbados pact and considered it “an important step towards exiting the crisis”.

He also said that the French president urged Maduro to implement it, remembering that the commitment is to celebrate “fair, transparent and inclusive presidential elections in 2024 and to release detained people” for political reasons.

Macron, who during his first five years had little involvement in Latin American crises, changed course slightly in his second term. A year ago, in November 2022, he organized an initiative at the Paris Peace Forum to bring positions between the Maduro Government and the opposition closer.

“The President of the Republic will continue to maintain contacts with the Venezuelan government and opposition representatives”, Elisha emphasized.

Source: Elcomercio

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