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“Netanyahu lays the first stone of a colony in Gaza”: LFI MP Ersilia Sudais shares fake news on X

The conflict between Israel and Hamas brings its own piece of information every day, which is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the wheat and the chaff. This Thursday, Delphine Horvilliers, a French rabbi and writer, criticized LFI MP Ersilia Soudais, like many other Internet users, after a tweet posted on Wednesday evening by the parliamentarian. “Netanyahu is laying the foundation for a settlement in the Gaza Strip. What do unconditional supporters of Israel think about this new crime against humanity? ” questions the rebel parliamentarian before calling Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna. “France must authorize this new attack on human rights and defend peace,” adds movement member Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Tweet by Ersilia Sudais. X

“But this is NOT Gaza… How much more nonsense and lies will you spread? What a disgrace for the Republic and its elected officials,” responded Delphine Orvilliers this Thursday morning.

Indeed, Google’s translation of Benjamin Netanyahu’s original Hebrew tweet places this “foundation stone laying” in the “Gaza Strip.”

Platform X quickly added a “note” to the Israeli Prime Minister’s tweet to avoid confusion. The Hebrew word is “Gaza border”, not “Gaza Strip”. The Gaza border is a region that, as its name suggests, is located within Israel near the coastal Palestinian enclave.

Otef Aza what does the Gaza border mean?

Factual journalist Noemi Halioua explained the subtleties of translation in the topic this Wednesday. “Alas, the translator does not understand the intricacies of Hebrew and serves the interests of a few obsessed people who want the Israeli government to want Gaza back at any cost, while it claims the opposite ten times a day – because it is contrary to its interests. – the journalist comments. “In Hebrew, he uses the term “Otef Aza,” which means the edge of Gaza, rather than “Retzuat Aza,” which means the Gaza Strip. Subtlety goes a long way,” recalls the former Middle East reporter.

“The Prime Minister of Israel shows here that the kibbutzim destroyed on October 7 will rise from the ashes, this is a symbol of rebirth, hope after the apocalypse, a symbol that is very Jewish in its essence. That’s why he talks about “laying the first stone,” the journalist then analyzes. The journalist assures that Benjamin Netanyahu “is not talking about colonization, which in Hebrew (this word) means “hitnahalut”, he is talking about “yishuv”, which has nothing to do with it.” Indeed, the term means “Jewish settlement in the land of Israel” and refers to the settlement of Jews under Ottoman rule.

This Thursday morning, the LFI MP finally deleted her controversial tweet.

Source: Le Parisien

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