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A court rules that Trump can be prosecuted through civil means for the attack on the Capitol

The Court of Appeals of A.D determined this Friday that the former Republican president donald trump (2017-2021) has no immunity and can be prosecuted through civil proceedings for the attack on Capitol from January 6, 2021.

The Washington court noted that trump he acted in a personal capacity, as a presidential candidate, when he urged his followers to protest at the Capitol in an attempt to prevent the certification of the Democrat’s victory Joe Biden in the November 2020 presidential elections.

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Presidential immunity protects leaders in U.S against civil actions for official actions only.

This Friday’s decision by the judges, as recalled by the newspaper The Washington Post, can be appealed.

On March 2nd, Department of Justice had already considered that trump could be prosecuted because he did not have immunity in the multiple civil actions brought by the police and members of the Congress who seek to hold him responsible for inciting this assault.

These actions were brought under a law that bans government officials use force, threats or intimidation and that allows anyone harmed by such actions to be compensated.

Trump and his lawyers, on the other hand, consider him to be protected by presidential immunity and that the speech he gave to his followers on January 6, 2021 was part of his work.

The former Republican president currently faces four criminal cases: one in washington and another in Georgia for voter interference in the 2020 elections, another in New York per falsification of commercial records and one in Miami for taking confidential documents from the White House when he left power.

Source: Elcomercio

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