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Cristina Kirchner’s rude gesture upon arriving at Congress for Javier Milei’s inauguration | VIDEO

The outgoing vice president of Argentina, Cristina Kirchner, arrived at the National Congress accompanied by his son Máximo and his guard. Dressed in red, she first greeted and blew kisses. Then he took a few steps and raised his hand and did go fuck yourself to some libertarian followers who shouted at him. The images were captured by the channel TN.

Although in the images captured by the media it is not clear what they were shouting at her, the leader of Unión por la Patria would have received insults, which is why, when turning her back to the public, she raised her right hand and then raised the one with the middle finger.


Cristina Kirchner was one of the last opposition figures to reach Congress before the start of the Legislative Assembly. However, after her Alberto Fernández arrived and was received by her in a way that also caught her attention, as he gestured with his hand for her to continue walking.

Cristina Kirchner then remained sitting on stage, next to the newly elected head of the Chamber of Deputies, Martin Menem.

Present, in the front row, were the former Brazilian president JairBolsonaro together with Eduardo Duhalde and Adolfo Rodríguez Saá and the Ukrainian president Volodimir Zelensky.

Among the governors were: Axel Kicillof, Sergio Zillioto, Gerardo Zamora, Leandro Zdero, Jorge Macri, Alfredo Cornejo, Raúl Jalil, Rogelio Frigerio, Gustavo Valdés and Maximiliano Pullaro.

Source: Elcomercio

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