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Images of Palestinians stripped naked on a street in the Gaza Strip: Israel cites security concerns

Men wearing only their underwear kneel on a street or sand embankment, guarded by Israeli soldiers. The images, shown on Israeli television in recent days, have gone viral on social media. This Sunday, the Israeli army cited security concerns to justify the stripping of Palestinian detainees in Gaza, portrayed as Hamas militants.

On social media, some condemned the “attacks on the dignity” of prisoners, contrary to international law, while others said they recognized friends or colleagues in the images who were not Hamas members. The Palestinian movement condemns the “lies”.

The Israeli army is “arresting and interrogating” suspects in the Gaza Strip, its spokesman Daniel Hagari told the press on Sunday. “Those who did not take part in terrorist activities are released,” and “those detained are treated in accordance with international law.”

“Terrorism suspects often need to remove their clothing so they can be searched to ensure they are not hiding an explosive belt or other weapon,” he explained.

“Al-Qassam’s heroes do not give up”

On Saturday evening, Daniel Hagari reported that militants in two Hamas strongholds had “surrendered, handing over their weapons and equipment.” In new footage that appeared on social media on Saturday, the man stands out from a crowd of men in their underwear, some with their arms raised, next to soldiers in front of whom he places a machine gun.

The Palestinian Islamist movement condemned the “lies” of the Israeli army, calling the footage broadcast by Israeli media staged. “Heroes (brigades) al-Qassam (armed division of Hamas) not to give up and the lies of the occupier (Israeli) are not deceiving anyone,” responded Izzat al-Rishq, a senior Hamas official, in a statement.

These are, he said, “unarmed civilians in Gaza after they were arrested and weapons placed near them.” “The occupier’s statements that this (fighters“The al-Qassam Brigades are a lie,” Izzat al-Rishq said, denouncing the “ridiculous and obvious scheme.”

Conditions for Palestinian detainees have worsened since the war began on October 7. Amnesty International recently said it had collected “testimony and video evidence of torture and ill-treatment of Palestinian detainees who were severely beaten and humiliated.” There are currently approximately 7,800 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons.

Source: Le Parisien

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