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María Corina Machado says Venezuelans are counting on Milei to “regain freedom”

María Corina Machado says Venezuelans are counting on Milei to “regain freedom”

María Corina Machado says Venezuelans are counting on Milei to “regain freedom”

The presidential candidate of the main opposition coalition Venezuela, Maria Corina Machadocongratulated this Sunday Javier Milei for his inauguration as president of the Argentina and assured that Venezuelans count on the libertarian Government to “regain freedom”In the Caribbean country.

We, Venezuelans, count on your government in our purpose of regaining the freedom that Argentines celebrate today“, expressed the liberal leader on the social network X, in a message that accompanied a photograph of Milei and the new Argentine vice-president, Victoria Villaruel.

LOOK HERE: LIVE Javier Milei takes office as the new president of Argentina on a historic day for the country

Machado, who on November 19th congratulated Milei on her victory”of freedom” in the second round of the presidential elections, considered today that “success of ideas of freedom”which the new president proclaims“will be that of all who” fights for similar issues in the region.

The former deputy is disqualified from holding public office until 2030 by decision of the Chamber Controller Generalbut hopes that a political negotiation will lift this sanction and thus be able to compete in the next presidential elections, scheduled for the second half of 2024.

The triumph of Javier Milei was criticized by the Venezuelan president, Nicolás Madurowho sees him as a representative of “the neo-Nazi right”And warned about a“tremendous threat“for the region, since – according to the Chavista leader – the Argentine intends to promote”a colonial project in all Latin America it’s him Caribbean”.

MORE INFORMATION: Cristina Kirchner’s rude gesture upon arriving at Congress for Javier Milei’s inauguration | VIDEO

The coming to power of the right represents an ideological fracture in the relations between Caracas It is good airwho went through moments of tension during the Presidency of Mauricio Macri (2015-2019), but returned to normal during the mandate of Alberto Fernández (2019-2023).

Source: Elcomercio

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