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EU begins accession negotiations with Kiev, Zelensky welcomes “victory for Ukraine” and “all of Europe”

EU begins accession negotiations with Kiev, Zelensky welcomes “victory for Ukraine” and “all of Europe”

EU begins accession negotiations with Kiev, Zelensky welcomes “victory for Ukraine” and “all of Europe”

Brussels has decided to begin negotiations on the accession of Ukraine and Moldova to the European Union, President of the European Council Charles Michel said on Thursday, on the first day of the summit of leaders of 27 countries. This is a “clear signal”. hope for (Ukrainian) citizens and for our continent,” he said on X (formerly Twitter).

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky welcomed the “victory of Ukraine” and “the whole of Europe.” “History is written by those who never tire of fighting for freedom,” he said on X. Kyiv has officially been a candidate for EU membership since June 2022, a few months after the Russian invasion began.

“This is a victory for all of us (…), a new page in our history. Two years ago, no one could imagine such a scenario, answered Moldovan President Maia Sandu.

Hungary abstains

However, the day started poorly for the Ukrainian leader. While the decision to start negotiations had to be made by 27 votes unanimously, Viktor Orbán’s Hungary threatened to play a spoiled game. The EU is “not in a position” to begin accession talks with Kiev, Hungary’s prime minister said on Thursday morning. “Don’t offer Putin this first — and only — victory of the year,” Vladimir Zelensky responded during a video conference.

Hungary ultimately did not oppose the start of negotiations but abstained, the populist leader said in the evening. “Hungary does not want to share responsibility” for this “crazy” choice of 26 other countries and “therefore abstained,” Viktor Orban said in a video posted on Facebook.

Source: Le Parisien

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