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War in Ukraine: Zelensky calls on the EU not to abandon his country

War in Ukraine: Zelensky calls on the EU not to abandon his country

War in Ukraine: Zelensky calls on the EU not to abandon his country

“I ask you one thing: do not betray citizens and their faith in Europe. » During the video conference, Vladimir Zelensky called on European leaders not to leave Ukraine. And restore your unity by sending a clear signal of support to your country. “Don’t offer Putin this first – and only – victory of the year,” he said this Thursday, believing that “this is not the time for half measures or hesitation.”

The Ukrainian president, for his part, reiterates that his country has fulfilled all the conditions required by Brussels to launch the EU accession process, and is looking forward to this sign of support from the Europeans, while negative signals coming from Washington are multiplying. .

“Today is the day of a political decision in response to what we have achieved. This presupposes the start of accession negotiations with Ukraine. » Kyiv is waiting for the green light from European leaders to open these negotiations, which is currently unattainable due to the stubborn refusal of Viktor Orban’s Hungary. In matters of expansion, the unanimity of the “twenty-seven” is actually required.

“There is no point in discussing anything, since the conditions have not been met,” the latter said at the beginning of the summit. The nationalist leader also opposes the €50 billion budget support for Ukraine.

Putin believes in Russia’s victory

Clouds have been gathering over Ukraine for several weeks now. Its military counteroffensive failed to achieve a decisive breakthrough, and Western aid needed for the war effort was blocked.

Ironically, at the very moment the decisive summit in Brussels began, Moscow’s Vladimir Putin demonstrated his confidence in Russia’s victory. “Almost along the entire line of contact, our armed forces are improving their positions,” he said.

“If Putin wins in Ukraine, there is a real risk that his aggression will not stop there,” warned Atlantic Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

Hungarian “blackmail”

For European diplomacy chief Josep Borrell, “continuing and increasing” aid to Ukraine is an “existential issue” for the EU. “Unity is the key,” echoed European Parliament President Roberta Metsola.

We still need to know what the Hungarian Prime Minister, often alone against everyone, intends to achieve this time. Hungary is demanding the EU release all funds it is owed that have been frozen due to rule of law violations.

On Wednesday she secured the release of ten billion euros following a decision by the European Commission that angered MEPs. Some of them condemned Brussels’ weakness in the face of “blackmail” from the Hungarian Prime Minister.

“He knows how not to be lonely”

Will the Hungarian leader finally succumb to pressure from his European partners, as he has done in the past, after receiving certain concessions? “Viktor Orban is the most experienced European leader” in the European Council, which brings together the heads of state and government of 27 countries, explains a European official on condition of anonymity. “I think he knows exactly how not to end up alone in the corner of the ring,” isolated from all other European countries.

Unless Viktor Orban wants to go all the way this time. Asked on Wednesday about a possible “Huksit,” Hungary’s exit from the EU, the prime minister replied: “I don’t want to leave, but I want to take power (…) from within,” rallying more and more countries.

Source: Le Parisien

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