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‘Pepe’ Mujica believes that the adjustment will bring “resistance” in Argentine society

The former president of Uruguay José ‘Pepe’ Mujica (2010-2015) this Thursday criticized the economic adjustment measures of the new Argentine government and considered that there will be a “resistance” by society.

In an interview with Radio 10 Argentina, the former Uruguayan president reflected on whether the fiscal adjustment and the cut in public spending announced on December 12 by the Libertarian Government Javier Milei to be “equitable” any “if the sacrifice is made by the weakest”.

LOOK HERE: How did social and trade union movements react to the readjustment announced by Milei?

If adjustment is inevitable, to what extent are the necessary guarantees of the democratic game maintained, to what extent does the people’s organized resistance reach and what is the respect within the Government? This is the big dilemma now“Mujica reflected.

As part of the objective of achieving balance in public accounts in 2024, the plan involves sharp cuts in public spending, including the reduction of state subsidies for public services and transport from January.

What worries me most is that there is a violent response, that Argentine society remains calm, that there is a game of free expression of what one thinks, but that there is a respect that allows a conflictive coexistence, but a coexistence that ultimately”, he expressed.

The former president referred to the diplomatic challenge that the Milei Government will face in the absence of direct dialogue with its Brazilian counterpart. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silvasomething that could end up paralyzing the Mercosursince the bloc’s decisions – which also integrate Uruguay It is Paraguay– are taken together.

MORE INFORMATION: Milei government will announce “severe sanctions” on those who organize and finance street blockades in Argentina

What happens least in the world is free trade, and the little we have in the region, we must sustain. We must fight to improve and achieve another variable, before leaving Mercosur, let’s make sure it works“Mujica added.

My biggest concern regarding the regional nature, that the relationship between Brazil It is Argentina do not deteriorate, that commercial relations remain normal, it is one thing to point out defects and another thing to believe that we are in an open world and can negotiate with anyone”, said Mujica.

Source: Elcomercio

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