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Dozens of dead and injured after night of intense bombardment in the Gaza Strip

Dozens of people were killed or injured this morning as a result of the ongoing bombings Israelis in most of the territory of the Gaza stripwhich maintains the communications cut for the third consecutive day.

At least 14 people died in Jabaliain the north of Rangeand dozens were injured by a bombing of a house, while “a big number” of people are trapped under the rubble, the official agency reported Wafa Palestine.

READ TOO: An Al Jazeera journalist killed in Gaza and another injured, according to the network

A young man also died in the area Tal al-Zaatarnorth of Linkafter an Israeli sniper shot him inside his home“, said the agency.

The hospital siege Kamal Adwanin Beit Lahia -One of the few medical centers operating in the north of the enclave is in operation for the eighth consecutive day, which has caused a serious shortage of water and food.

The occupation forces ordered all medical personnel, the wounded and those present to leave and gather in their courtyards during the cold weather, while 12 babies are kept in incubators without waterfood or medical care”he denounced Wafa based on witness statements.

The forces also destroyed the southern part of the hospital and continue to attack everyone who moves there.”they add.

In the last few hours there were also bombings near the school Al Mazra in Deir al Balah and in the refugee camp of Bureij, in the center of the Strip; and in the south, neighborhoods were attacked Jan Yunis it’s from Rafain the far south, an area reportedly declared “humanitarian zone”Secured by Israeli troops.

The occupation warships also opened fire with heavy machine guns on the coasts of the province of RafaSouth”he indicated Wafa.

Hundreds of people attended the cameraman’s funeral today Al Jazeera Samer Abu Daqawho died yesterday after a bomb attack on a UNRWA school in that city, bleeding to death after several hours waiting for an ambulance, which Israeli troops did not allow access to the area, according to the network.

We will continue to carry out our work as journalists with professionalism and transparency“, said at the funeral the head of Al Jazeera in the Gaza Strip, Wael Dahdouhwho survived the attack in which he died Daqa and a few weeks ago he lost his entire family, wife and children, in an Israeli attack.”deliberate” about his home in the city of Link.

With Daqathere are 64 Palestinian journalists and media workers who were murdered in Gaza strip during the Israeli offensive, according to Committee to Protect Journalists.

Furthermore, the peripheral neighborhoods of the city of Linkas Shujaiya, Tuffah or Darajconsidered bastions of Hamasthey were also bombed from the air, while intense fighting took place on the ground.

After 71 days of offensive in the Strip, the Israeli Army committed more than 1,800 massacres in which they died more than 18,800 inhabitants of Gaza -between them 8,000 children and 6,200 women– it is estimated that 7,500 bodies They are still trapped under the rubble and more than 51,000 people were injured, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Health of Linkcontrolled by Hamas.

However, these numbers may be higher given the Ministry’s difficulties in contact hospitals and local governments update the data, a situation aggravated by the fifth total blackout of internet and communications since the ground offensive began in the enclave and which continues today for the third day.

Source: Elcomercio

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