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The US will deport a Venezuelan arrested with a machete near the Capitol in Washington

An immigrant Venezuelan who was arrested on December 26th near Capitol American in washington when carrying a machete and a knife, he is in the process of being deported, immigration authorities reported this Tuesday.

José Leonardo Márquez23, is in the custody of the deportation agency, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said in a statement.

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“Márquez represented a significant threat to people in and around the Capitolsaid that federal body when specifying that the immigrant “will face deportation proceedings.”

On December 26th, an agent from the Capitol Police He observed that the Venezuelan was behaving strangely and, after a conversation between the two, realized that in addition to the machete and a knife he also had a brick, according to the police report.

The immigrant offered no resistancewas accused of carrying dangerous weapons and prohibited, and transferred the next day to the custody of the ICE which processes deportations, the report added.

The Venezuelan, who had entered illegal to the country on an undetermined date and location, he was initially detained by the Border Patrol on August 21, 2022 next The step (Texas).

Although, Marquez He was released the following day as part of the alternative to detention program due to lack of housing.

In accordance with this program, Marquez was presented on October 5th at washington before the division of ICE who processes deportations and was ordered to appear before a judge immigration.

Source: Elcomercio

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