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Ukrainian military intelligence has doubled down on claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin has “at least three lookalikes.”

Earlier this week, it was claimed that Putin’s New Year’s speech was a deepfake created with AI, reviving long-standing rumors that the Russian leader had body doubles.

And it raises the question of whether the real Putin actually has full control over the Kremlin during the war against Ukraine.

Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Yusov claimed that the twins’ bodies were closely monitored by Russian intelligence services without leading an independent life.

Mr Yusov said: “This information [on Vladimir Putin using body doubles] is confirmed by many sources.

“It’s no longer some kind of news or something that needs to be proven to the world.

There are claims that Putin’s New Year’s speech was a deepfake (Photo: East2West)

Claims that Putin has body doubles have been circulating for years, including on social media (Photo: East2West)

“Doppelgänger technology has been used before and is being used now, especially by Vladimir Putin and his entourage, people who influence the situation in the Kremlin.”

Some claim that Putin is using body doubles because he is seriously ill or paranoid about his safety or illness and is hiding in a bunker.

Political scientist Professor Valery Solovey – who insists there is double counting because the real Putin died in October 2023 – compared the New Year’s speech with footage of the same event in early 2022.

“You can easily see and, more importantly, hear two completely different people,” he said, claiming that Putin’s face is too swollen in 2022 compared to 2024.

New videos are spreading like wildfire on social media asking how many body doubles Putin is using

Now Ukraine is doubling down on its demands (Photo: East2West)

Yusov’s boss, Lieutenant General Kyrylo Budanov, head of Ukraine’s military intelligence, claimed last year that the real Putin had not been seen since 2022.

He said Ukraine was aware of “at least three” lookalikes, telling a Ukrainian news program: “They live under constant surveillance.” These are people who are definitely not theirs.

“There are quite a few topics that allow you to implement different scenarios under certain circumstances.” [power-brokers in the] The Kremlin itself is thinking about it.

“So it is clear that their fate is, shall we say, unenviable.” [They undergo] Ongoing training, including measures to ensure compliance with a range of general matters [appearance]. And of course constant total control.

“They are not kept in one place. It is clear that the information regarding this is highly confidential and has not yet been fully clarified.”
