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War between Israel and Hamas: Blinken to visit five Arab countries and the West Bank

War between Israel and Hamas: Blinken to visit five Arab countries and the West Bank

War between Israel and Hamas: Blinken to visit five Arab countries and the West Bank

Tour with a busy schedule. The head of American diplomacy announced on Thursday the program for his fourth visit to the Middle East since the conflict between Israel and Palestinian Hamas began. In addition to Israel, Antony Blinken will visit five Arab countries, as well as the West Bank, Turkey and Greece, the State Department said.

The US Secretary of State will visit Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, and Egypt. In particular, he will advocate for “the immediate steps that need to be taken to substantially increase humanitarian assistance” in the Gaza Strip, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told the press.

He will also discuss how to “prevent the conflict from spreading,” Matthew Miller said, in an extremely tense regional environment following the killing of a senior leader of the Palestinian Islamist movement in Lebanon and attacks on merchant ships by Yemen’s Houthi rebels in Lebanon. Red Sea, raising fire fears in the region.

“Avoid escalation”

“He will discuss specific steps the parties can take, including how they can use their influence with other countries in the region to avoid escalation,” said Matthew Miller. “It is not in the interests of anyone, not Israel, not the region, not the world, for this conflict to move beyond the Gaza Strip,” he added.

This will be Antony Blinken’s fourth visit to the region since the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, which triggered a large-scale Israeli campaign of retaliation in the Islamist movement-ruled Gaza Strip.

Source: Le Parisien

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