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Who are Yemen’s Houthis and why are they attacked by the United States and the United Kingdom

Who are Yemen’s Houthis and why are they attacked by the United States and the United Kingdom

Who are Yemen’s Houthis and why are they attacked by the United States and the United Kingdom

U.S It is UK They launched airstrikes against the rebels this Thursday Houthis in Yemen due to attacks by this Iranian-backed group against shipping in the Red Sea, authorities reported and witnesses confirmed.

The American president, Joe Bidensaid in a statement that The attacks were part of a “defensive action” that “successfully” achieved several objectives Houthis and what did he say with the “support” of Australia, Bahrain, Canada and the Netherlandswithout specifying its role in the operation.

LOOK: US and UK launch airstrikes on Houthi cities in Yemen

The president expressed that “will not hesitate” to “order further military measures” to protect the United States and international trade.

“These targeted attacks are a clear message that U.S and our partners will not tolerate attacks on our people or allow hostile actors to compromise freedom of navigation on one of the world’s most critical trade routes,” he added.

The Houthis have carried out an increasing number of attacks on the important Red Sea shipping route Since the outbreak Gaza War with the unprecedented attack by the Islamic group Hamas against Israel on October 7th.

Yemeni Coast Guard members affiliated with the Houthis patrol the Red Sea near the port city of Hodeida, January 4, 2024. (AFP photo). (-/)

The Red Sea.  (AFP).

The Red Sea. (AFP).

Heavy airstrikes hit airports and military installations in Yemen on Friday morning, official rebel media outlets and AFP correspondents reported.

“Our country is facing a massive attack from American and British ships, submarines and aircraft,” declared the vice minister of Foreign Affairs HouthiHussein Al-Ezzi, quoted by rebel media.

“The United States and the United Kingdom must be prepared to pay a high price and bear the serious consequences of this aggression.””.

Houthi fighters brandish their weapons during a march in solidarity with the Palestinian people in Sanaa, capital of Yemen, on January 11, 2024. (Photo by MOHAMMED HUWAIS/AFP).

Houthi fighters brandish their weapons during a march in solidarity with the Palestinian people in Sanaa, capital of Yemen, on January 11, 2024. (Photo by MOHAMMED HUWAIS/AFP). (MOHAMMED HUWAIS/)

O Houthi rebels They originate from the province of exitin the northwest of Yemen. They belong to Zaidite minority, which represents a third of the country’s population. They are deployed in the north of the territory. They are Shiite Muslims, considered heretics by Sunnis.

They take the name of Hussein Badr al Din al Hutiwho led the group’s first uprising in 2004, in an effort to obtain greater autonomy for the province of exit and to protect the Zaidite Religion and their cultural traditions of what they perceive as usurpation by Sunni Islamistsindicates a report from BBC Mundo.

After Yemeni soldiers killed Huti in late 2004, his family took control and led five more rebellions. before a ceasefire was agreed with the government in 2010.

Further up The Houthis have led a series of rebellions and in 2014 they managed to take control Furythe capital of Yemenstarting a civil war that continues to this day.

A Houthi soldier stands guard during a meeting at the end of military training in Sanaa, Yemen, on January 11, 2024. (EFE/EPA/YAHYA ARHAB).

A Houthi soldier stands guard during a meeting at the end of military training in Sanaa, Yemen, on January 11, 2024. (EFE/EPA/YAHYA ARHAB).

The Houthis managed to enter Sana’a with the complicity of units that remained loyal to the former president Ali Abdullah Salehwho was in power for a total of 33 years and was assassinated in 2017.

They took full control of Yemen’s capital in January 2015 and advanced throughout the country, including the south, where they took over Aden.

Saudi Arabiathe main Sunni power and enemy of the Houthishighlighted that these They are supported militarily, financially and politically by Iranits Shia archrival in the region.

So, with the action of Houthis about Israel analysts interpret that indirectly the Islamic Republic is intervening in the conflict with Hamas.

Will has not only sponsored the Houthisalso sponsors Hamas, for Hezbollah and other enemy militias Israel.

“It was only a matter of time before Houthis could do that,” Thomas Juneau, a professor at the University of Ottawa who has studied Yemen for years.

The analyst highlighted that the steady advancement of the Houthi rebels’ missile program came with Iranian help. “The fact that there is another front directly to the south increases the risk that Israel (your air defenses) can become overwhelmed and then it can be much more worrying if Hezbollah, Hamas and others launch massive missile bombardments,” Juneau said.

Houthi rebels assemble a missile carrier during a military parade in Sanaa, capital of Yemen, on September 21, 2023. (Photo by MOHAMMED HUWAIS/AFP).

Houthi rebels assemble a missile carrier during a military parade in Sanaa, capital of Yemen, on September 21, 2023. (Photo by MOHAMMED HUWAIS/AFP). (MOHAMMED HUWAIS/)

During the civil war in Yemen, the Houthis demonstrated high-firepower missiles and drones. With these weapons they attacked Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, especially oil installations and vital infrastructure.

According to the AP agency, Iran has always denied arming the Houthiseven after transferring rifles, rocket grenades, missiles and other weapons to the Yemeni militia via sea routes.

Both independent experts, Western nations and UN investigators have located military components seized on board ships and all evidence has led to Will.

Houthi soldiers on a missile carrier during a military parade in Sana'a on September 21, 2023. (Photo by MOHAMMED HUWAIS/AFP).

Houthi soldiers on a missile carrier during a military parade in Sana’a on September 21, 2023. (Photo by MOHAMMED HUWAIS/AFP). (MOHAMMED HUWAIS/)

The AP agency explains that possibly Will does not inform that it is transferring weapons to the Houthis because a UN embargo has been in force prohibiting the transfer of war material to the rebels since 2014.

According to analysts, The Houthis have increasingly sophisticated training, know-how and weapons, including drones and ballistic and cruise missiles. This material doesn’t just come from Willis also sent by Hezbollah.

O Houthis said they possess the liquid propulsion missile known as Tufanwhich has a range of 1,350-1,950 km, enough to put Israel in its sights, indicates Bloomberg.

Houthi drones during an official parade in Sana'a, September 21, 2023. (Photo by MOHAMMED HUWAIS/AFP).

Houthi drones during an official parade in Sana’a, September 21, 2023. (Photo by MOHAMMED HUWAIS/AFP). (MOHAMMED HUWAIS/)

The Houthis also have a variant of their Burkan ballistic missileinspired by a type of Iranian missile, which is believed to be capable of reaching more than 1,000 kilometers.

General Pat Ryder, Pentagon press secretary, acknowledged that the rebels have missiles capable of reaching around 2,000 kilometers, AP reported.

Analysts consulted by the EFE agency agree that the emergence of war fronts such as Houthis in Yemen in the conflict between Israel and Hamas responds to interests Willwhich, at this point, they say, does not appear to be seeking a large-scale regional conflict.

Source: Elcomercio

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