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Saudi Arabia calls for “moderation” after US and UK bombings of Houthis in Yemen

Saudi Arabia calls for “moderation” after US and UK bombings of Houthis in Yemen

Saudi Arabia calls for “moderation” after US and UK bombings of Houthis in Yemen

Saudi Arabiaone of the main allies USA in Middle Eastasked today “moderation”after the American bombings and the UK at the Yemen in response to rebel attacks Houthis against commercial ships in Red Sea.

the kingdom of Saudi Arabia follows with great concern the military operations taking place in the region of Red Sea and air attacks against several locations in the Republic of Yemen“said the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement, in which it asked”moderation and avoid escalation”.

LOOK HERE: The US and its partners justify that the attack on the Houthis in Yemen is in defense of free navigation

In the note, the department appealed to the importance of preserving security and stability in the Red Sea region, while recalling that freedom of navigation is “an international demand because it harms the interests of the entire world“, in condemnation of the actions Houthis against merchant ships.

However, he asked “moderation” in view of “events happening in the region“, in reference to the war in Gaza strip and the opening of new fronts of the same.

As part of his tour of Middle Eastthe US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinkenmet on January 8 with the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohamed bin Salmanto address the “efforts”carried out to prevent war in Link do not expand.

Saudi Arabia, which has intervened in the war in Yemen since 2015 under the command of a military coalition and which also shares a border with the Arab country, has warned on numerous occasions about the possible opening of new fronts in Yemen. Gaza Waralthough he expressed concern about Houthi attacks.

U.She UK and eight other countries justified this Thursday that the military action launched against Houthi rebel objectives in several Yemeni provinces demonstrates their joint commitment to freedom of navigation.

MORE INFORMATION: US and UK launch airstrikes on Houthi cities in Yemen

In a joint statement, the ten signatory countries (USA, United Kingdom, Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, New Zealand It is South Korea) highlighted that its objective continues to be “reduce tensions and restore stability in the Red Sea.”.

But let our message be clear: we will not hesitate to defend lives and protect the free flow of trade in one of the world’s most critical maritime routes in the face of ongoing threats.“, they maintained.

After the bombings against Yemen, the Houthis, supported by Iran, declared “open war” against the United States and the United Kingdom and claimed that they launched a barrage of missiles against their warships in the Red Sea.

Source: Elcomercio

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