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San Francisco, the decline of the Californian myth

San Francisco, the decline of the Californian myth

San Francisco, the decline of the Californian myth

Dozens of colorful tents shifted, in front of which homeless people lay idle and their meager belongings were scattered. Dealers and young drug addicts refused. The sidewalks have been cleared and littered with all kinds of trash, pizza boxes, anti-Covid masks, towels, syringes, cigarette paper… San Francisco, the capital of California’s good life, is trying to restore order.

The rest after this announcement

A large-scale operation, repeated every evening at 6 am and 10 pm, but limited to a section of the sidewalk: this is where Ikea is located. In 2020, the Swedish company acquired almost 5,000 m² of commercial space in the heart of the city, which has been stuck in a downward spiral (“doom loop”) since the Covid pandemic. “We want to encourage investors to come back,” insists Sarah Phillips, the mayor’s economic development director. With this example we will show that we can guarantee safety and cleanliness. »

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Source: Le Parisien

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