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“We’re in a bit of a hurry”: new minister Marie Lebecq arrives by metro… and leaves in a chauffeured car

Bad com… plan? The new Minister for Relations with Parliament, Marie Lebecq, traveled to her ministry by metro on Friday morning to hand over powers to her predecessor, and then headed by car to the Elysee Palace for a meeting of the Council of Ministers.

“This is my daily life as a parliamentarian. I am going to the Ministry of Parliamentary Relations to hand over Frank Riester to the metro, as I do every morning,” she said in front of the BFMTV cameras. “This is not communication. It was important for me to be able to quickly get to the ministry,” she assured. “I live in the suburbs, and it’s often quicker to take public transportation,” elected official Ivelina later added.

However, Marie Lebeck quickly abandoned the metro and went to the Elysee Palace for a meeting of the Council of Ministers in a ministry car with a driver. “I think we’re a little short on time,” she justified.

Youngest member of the government

Elected as deputy for the 4th constituency of Yvelines in 2017, Marie Lebecque is the youngest member of the new government. One of the main tasks of his position is to find a sufficient number of votes for the successful adoption of government texts, while the presidential camp does not have an absolute majority in the National Assembly.

“It is very important to be able to continue the transformation of France that began seven years ago, and that is what I am going to focus on: moving forward on every text to achieve a majority,” she insisted. Marie Lebecq will meet during the day with the presidents of the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as with all the chairmen of the parliamentary factions.

Source: Le Parisien

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