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At least one dead in new attack attributed to Israel on a car in southern Lebanon

At least one person died today in a new attack attributed to Israel against a car in the south of Lebanonthe second in less than 24 hours, Lebanon’s National News Agency (ANN) reported.

The attack took place in the city of Kafrain the province of Nabatiyehand targeted a vehicle, resulting in one death and an unknown number of injuries, according to the official agency.

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The source indicated that the action, which the agency attributes to Israel, was carried out with a drone that launched a projectile aimed at the vehicle, without the identities of the occupants being known so far.

Yesterday, another vehicle was attacked in the south of Lebanon and at least one of its occupants who died was a member of the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollahwhich controls the south of the Mediterranean country.

Until now, Israel did not comment on both attacks.

On January 8th, Wissam Hassan Taweela high command of the elite special forces Radwan of Hezbollah, died when the vehicle he was traveling in was hit by an Israeli projectile on a road in the area of Khirbet al Salamin the south of the country.

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This is the most important victim in the group’s ranks since the crossfire with the Jewish State began three months ago.

The Lebanese formation and Israel have been involved in intense crossfire across their common border since October 8th, just one day after the outbreak of Gaza War.

The gradual escalation of violence has raised fears of the outbreak of an open war between the parties, especially after an attack attributed to the Jewish State, killed this month in Beirut to number two of the Islamic movement Hamas, Saleh al-Arouri.

Source: Elcomercio

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