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Colombia: Journalist Mardonio Mejía murdered in Sucre department

The Colombian journalist Mardonio Mejia was murdered on Wednesday afternoon, shot by gunmen in his home, in the municipality of Saint Peterin the Caribbean department of Sucre (north), denounced the Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP).

The murder of the journalist is terrible Mardonio Mejia. He died after assassins shot him this afternoon in his home. Mardonio directed Sonora Estéreo radio and covered news from Saint Peter and from Sucre“said the director of FLIP, Jonathan Bockon social network X.

LOOK HERE: Government and ELN are still studying the extension of the ceasefire, which will include an end to kidnappings

The governor of Sucre, Lucia Garcia Montesrejected Mejía’s crime, “community radio director stereo sound and member of San Pedro Livestock Federation”.

We are coordinating actions that allow us to capture this fact (sic) that puts our department’s journalism in mourning. That is why we have decided to establish a reward of up to 20 million pesos (about US$5,100) for anyone who provides information that will lead us to the capture of those responsible for this unfortunate event.,” Garcia added.

MORE INFORMATION: Colombian government announces agreement to extend the ceasefire with the ELN for 6 months

In May last year, the digital media director Notiorensefrom the neighboring Caribbean department of Cordobawas murdered by men who shot him from a motorcycle, a crime for which the criminal gang of Gulf Clan but this still remains unpunished.

Source: Elcomercio

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