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What options do Democratic candidates have to challenge Biden for the nomination?

Although confusing and discreet, the elections held this Tuesday, 23, in New Hampshire were the starting signal for the Democratic Party primaries with a view to the race to occupy the White House from January 2025. And although in the blue tent the process is considered by many as a mere formality for the president, Joe Biden seeks re-election, two pre-candidates decided to enter the dispute.

TO LOOK: Donald Trump wins Republican primary in New Hampshire

On March 4, 2023, more than a month before Biden himself confirmed his intentions to run for re-election, famous self-help author Marianne Williamson (71) announced that she would seek the Democratic nomination.

As in 2020, when she went practically unnoticed in the campaign dominated by the figures of Biden and Donald Trump, Williamson arrives with a speech in which she defends “a vision of justice and love so powerful that it overcomes the forces of hate, injustice and fear”.

This message was reflected, for example, in his proposal to create a Department of Peace and to ensure that the federal government pays considerable financial compensation to African Americans in reparation for the slavery and discrimination they suffered for centuries.

Marianne Williamson is running for the second time as a Democratic candidate. (JOSÉ PREZIOSO/AFP/)

Another candidate challenging Biden in these primaries is Minnesota congressman Dean Phillips (55), who announced his candidacy on October 27 last year, after asking for months that the Democratic Party provide another option to the current president.

Phillips is one of the richest members of Congress and heir to the Phillips Distilling Company, his stepfather’s empire, which owns important brands of vodka and schnapps.

There were many occasions when Phillips praised Biden’s work; However, he assures that the party needs younger voices to avoid a nightmare situation in which Trump wins another election in November.

Phillips believes Democrats should be represented by a candidate younger than Biden.

Phillips believes Democrats should be represented by a candidate younger than Biden. (JOSÉ PREZIOSO/AFP/)

But what options do they have to actually challenge the Democratic nomination?

Both Williamson and Phillips have zero chances. The same ones that Nikki Haley has if she was nominated by the former Republican party, now Trumpian“, he comments The trade political analyst Hernán Molina.

According to the expert, Williamson’s presence despite his zero chances (he barely received 4.6% of the vote in New Hampshire) is understood as “a matter of principle, talking about issues that are not discussed in the Democratic Party”.

As for Phillips, however, Molina guarantees that the congressman “maintains a very deep difference with Biden and the Democrats over the direction the country should take”. Furthermore, it may be the opportunity to become known nationally with a view to future applications.

Phillips’ argument goes hand in hand with a March 2023 poll conducted by Monmouth University, which revealed that 44% of Democratic voters would prefer Biden to step aside in the 2024 election to make way for another candidate.

At 81 years old, Biden currently holds the Guinness record for the oldest person to be elected president of the United States. This is a factor that, although it raises concern among Democrats, seeks to be exploited by Republicans.

Biden’s age is undoubtedly an important issue. But so does Trump. The difference is that the Trumpian machine, which includes the Fox network and other right-wing media outlets associated with the millionaire, has been tasked with insistently addressing Biden’s energy, his mental attitude.,” says Molina.

In fact, the record that Biden holds was achieved by Donald Trump, elected in 2016 at the age of 70. The difference, according to the analyst, is that the New York tycoon has tried to maintain an image “full of resistance”And physical strength.

Trump’s speech revolves around his virality, being the tough man, he considers himself the leader who can take the country forward. A reflection of this is that Trump, despite having won the election in New Hampshire, came out to attack Nikki Haley, to question why she is not abandoning the race.“, Explain.

It is still too early to know whether Trump’s strategy will work in the November elections, but at this point – together with the way he has found to capitalize on the numerous lawsuits against him – it appears to give him a certain advantage. A Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted this week shows the Republican ahead of the Democrat by 40% to 34%.

However, as Molina explains, much of Biden’s strength may lie in the 26% who are still undecided or who identify as independent. “The Trump effect is relative, because people in 2020 voted to end him and return to normality. Biden, even with all his problems, continues to reflect predictability. That the economy has improved, that inflation is falling, that everything is falling into place after the pandemic favors Biden“, ensures.

Source: Elcomercio

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