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Trump testifies briefly at his libel trial against writer E. Jean Carroll

The former president of U.S donald trump (2017-2021) took the stand this Thursday to testify briefly in his defamation trial against the writer E. Jean Carrollwhere he again denied Carroll’s accusation of sexual assault and said he never ordered anyone to hurt the writer with their statements.

Before the leading candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination was called to testify, the judge Lewis Kaplan He talked to his lawyer, Alina Habbathe questions that would be asked of the tycoon.

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In this trial, Trump responds to the writer’s accusations of defamation when he claimed, in 2019, that he did not know the writer, and that her confession – made that same year – that the former president had sexually abused her in the 1990s. it was false.

Today Trump was banned from mentioning a previous trial in which, last May, a jury convicted him of sexual abusedefamation of the writer and payment of an amount of 5 million dollars.

In other words, Trump could not directly tell the jury what he has already said on many other occasions: that he did not sexually assault Carroll, that he did not know her or that she lied about the rape accusation.

But his lawyer was able to ask if he still stood by the testimony he gave in October 2022 – statements that the jury saw on video – and Trump responded very seriously: “One hundred percent yes”.

The last question from the former president’s lawyer donald trump it was: “Have you ever asked anyone to hurt Ms. Carroll in their statements?”.

Trump responded: “No, I just wanted to defend myself, my family and, frankly, the presidency.”.

The Republican politician, in total, spent less than 10 minutes on the stand.

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The end of the trial is scheduled for tomorrow

Tomorrow the jury will hear the closing arguments and, according to the judge, they will be able to begin deliberating at lunchtime.

Today, in addition, the former editor of Elle – the magazine in which Carroll had a column in which he gave advice to readers – testified, Robbie Myerswho said the journalist was such a good employee that he even raised her salary and described Carroll as a “truth teller”.

He also took a position Carol Martinsfriend, confidant and former colleague of Carroll, who was called on to defend Trump.

The former president’s team questioned Martin about some text messages he had sent to his close circle, in which he described the journalist as a “narcissist” It is “addicted to herself”.

Carroll is asking for US$10 million in compensation and, last Thursday, an expert hired by the writer’s legal team said it could cost the journalist up to US$12.1 million to hire a campaign to recover her good name and credibility. .

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In this trial, Carroll’s legal team maintained that after the then president’s comments, the journalist lost her credibility as a columnist – for years she gave advice to readers of Elle magazine – as well as her versatility, since now the media only contacts her to talk about Trump.

Furthermore, she became hostile to the Republican’s followers. Carroll noted that on the day Trump denied the allegations, she received emails threatening her with death, but deleted them because she was “your first instinct”, so he was unable to provide evidence.

For its part, Trump’s defense maintains that when Carroll decided to make public the sexual harassment After Trump, her career and popularity as a columnist and writer had already deteriorated, and she fled precisely because of the accusations against Trump, which gave her more followers and fame.

Source: Elcomercio

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