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During the Franco-Polish reunification, Macron and Tusk defend the “security” of Europe.

During the Franco-Polish reunification, Macron and Tusk defend the “security” of Europe.

During the Franco-Polish reunification, Macron and Tusk defend the “security” of Europe.

Reunification of France and Poland after more tense years when Peace’s conservatives were in power. Emmanuel Macron and Donald Tusk, longtime leaders of the European Council, celebrated this Monday in Paris the reunification of France and Poland after more tense years, insisting on a “safe” Europe whenever possible. Donald Trump’s return to the United States could threaten transatlantic solidarity.

“Welcome back,” said the French President, welcoming the Polish Prime Minister to the Elysee Palace. “I want to tell you here about our friendship and the joy of meeting you again, as well as the opportunity to have, through you and your government, reliable, pro-European partners who clearly understand European security issues,” he added in the press.

Donald Tusk stressed that he wants to “revitalize” these relations and “revitalize the Weimar Triangle” – the so-called cooperation between France, Germany and Poland, which has been suspended in recent years.

The three countries’ diplomatic chiefs were due to meet in the afternoon near Paris, while Poland’s prime minister was due to travel to Berlin at the same time to meet German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Donald Tusk replaced a nationalist populist government in Warsaw whose relations with France were hardly cordial. Emmanuel Macron spoke of the upcoming opening of a “new chapter” with the “preparation of a new bilateral treaty” to replace the 1991 treaty.

“Strengthening” the European defense industry

The French president insisted on the need to “strengthen” the European defense industry, in particular to “provide Ukraine with strategic equipment and ammunition” in the face of the Russian invasion that began almost two years ago. “It will also make Europe a security and defense force complementary to NATO, the European pillar of the Atlantic Alliance,” he added.

Emmanuel Macron’s circle regularly stresses the importance of strengthening European defenses to counter the possibility of a disengagement with Washington should former President Donald Trump return to power in November’s elections.

” One for all and all for one “

The Republican candidate has threatened to no longer guarantee NATO countries’ protection from Russia unless they pay their fair share, even saying he would “encourage” Moscow to attack them.

Quoting Alexandre Dumas’ The Three Musketeers, Donald Tusk assessed that the “philosophy” underlying the “European Union and NATO” was “one for all, all for one.” “Together with France, we are ready to fight for this security” of “all of Europe,” he assured.

Source: Le Parisien

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