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The United States will reduce the coronavirus isolation period to one day

The United States will reduce the coronavirus isolation period to one day

The United States will reduce the coronavirus isolation period to one day

O Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) USA consider reducing the isolation period for people infected with the virus from five days to one COVID-19as reported this Tuesday by The Washington Post.

According to the newspaper, the federal health agency will publish its new proposals in April to receive responses from the public.

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The newspaper, which cited sources from the CDCindicated that under the new rules, patients with COVID-19 They will not need to be isolated for five days if they do not have a high temperature, without taking medication for 24 hours.

The State of California It has already anticipated these measures and since last January it has established that people who test positive, have mild symptoms and do not have a fever without medication, can return to regular activities after a day of isolation.

The review of recommendations on the isolation of infected people, last updated in December 2021, has progressed since August but, according to The Washington Post, there was a pause when cases of the virus increased. illness during last fall.

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O pandemicwho came to U.S At the end of 2019, there were 103.5 million confirmed cases and more than 1.17 million deaths, the highest number in the world.

Source: Elcomercio

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