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Russia blames the war in Gaza on the “shortsighted approach” of the US.

He Government Russian accused this Wednesday before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for U.S of maintaining a “myopic and irresponsible approach” that “diluted” the political processes to resolve the conflict between Israel It is Palestinewhich led to the current “wave of violence” in Gaza strip.

In a speech before the court of UN, the Russian ambassador to Have it, Vladimir Tarabrínguaranteed that “the current wave of violence is no exception” and it was “preceded by a persistent policy of U.S and its allies with the aim of freezing the status quo, diluting political processes and promoting the vision of one side of the solution.”

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The Russian diplomat stressed that “this erratic policy of washington “predictably led to a failure that cost thousands of innocent lives.” and regretted that the international community now faces “the difficult task of creating the conditions to get the situation out of the current impasse.” and help to resume dialogue after the war in Link.

Furthermore, he considered that the history of conflict sample “What happens when the resolutions of the security advice and the influential global actors are unable or unwilling to help the parties find consensual solutions.”

“The security of both Israelis and Palestinians can only be guaranteed if the root causes of the current crisis are addressed. Outbreaks of violence will inevitably recur until the Palestinian people, who have suffered decades of injustice, exercise their right to establish an independent state.“, he warned.

In his speech to the ICJ, Tarabrín emphasized that “The images from Gaza are terrifying” given that “violence has reached a catastrophic and unprecedented scale”, and also sent a “sincere message” to Israelis who lost a family member in the October 7 attack by the Islamic group Hamas.

The Russian ambassador assured that Israel It is Russia “They are united by a common history of combat Nazism” but, he warned, “tragic events” of October 7th cannot justify “collective punishment” of more than 2 million inhabitants of Gaza.

“We cannot accept the logic of those officials in Israel and some Western countries trying to defend indiscriminate violence against civilians by referring to Israel’s duty to protect its citizens. “Violence can only lead to more violence, hate only brings more hate, and this vicious cycle must be broken.”he added.

The request of UN General Assembly in 2022, before the offensive in LinkO ICJ analyze this week “the legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalemto issue a non-binding legal opinion.

Tarabrín ensured that the ICJ should conclude that Israel “has a legal obligation to respect the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to stop all colonization activities in the occupied territory“, like this “activities that prevent reaching an agreement” leading to a Palestinian state “independent, viable and contiguous, with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

Source: Elcomercio

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