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Lula da Silva receives Blinken amid Brazil’s diplomatic crisis with Israel

Lula da Silva receives Blinken amid Brazil’s diplomatic crisis with Israel

Lula da Silva receives Blinken amid Brazil’s diplomatic crisis with Israel

The US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinkenmet this Wednesday with the Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silvaamid a diplomatic crisis between Brazil It is Israel to war in Link.

The meeting between the two took place at the presidential palace in Brasiliawhere Blink He arrived Tuesday night.

READ TOO: Petro supports Lula in dispute with Israel for comparing the war in Gaza with the Holocaust

It was “A very, very good meeting. U.S It is Brazil They are doing many important things together. We work bilaterally, regionally and globally. “It’s a very important partnership.”he said Blink for journalists before leaving the palace Highlandwithout giving details about the content of the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, Lula It is Blink They had a brief conversation about the elections in U.Swhich will be held in November.

Meeting announced as tense after controversial statements by the president Lulawhich compared the Israeli offensive in Link with him Holocaust.

Lula accused on Sunday for Israelwhich has the military and diplomatic support of washingtonof committing a “genocide” against the Palestinians and compared the actions of the Israeli army to the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis.

Israel declared that “not grateful person”. In response, Brazil called for queries for its ambassador in Tel Aviv and summoned the Israeli diplomatic representative to show his “dissatisfaction”.

On Tuesday the dispute continued to escalate when the Brazilian Foreign Minister, Mauro Vieiraaccused for its Israeli counterpart, Israel Katzin “lie”.

Katz accused for Lula to make a comparison “immoral and delusional” between the war in Link it’s him Holocaust.

The United States, which vetoed for the third time on Tuesday in the Security Council of UN The “immediate ceasefire” in Linksaid he did not agree with the accusations of “genocide” against Israel.

The war in Ukraine It is also one of the points of divergence between Brazil and the United States, as well as relations with Venezuela.

It is the first time that Blink Visit Brazil since his appointment three years ago.

The relationship between the United States and the largest economy in the world Latin America has improved significantly since returning to power in 2023 Lulawho succeeded the far-right president JairBolsonaronext for donald trump.

The 78-year-old left-wing president has already traveled for Washington will meet with its Democratic counterpart Joe Biden.

After meeting with Lula in Brasilia, Blink will travel for Rio de Janeiro will participate this Wednesday and Thursday in a meeting of G20 foreign ministers, in which the presence of the Russian chancellor, Sergei Lavrov.

Source: Elcomercio

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