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Russia presents an ultimatum to Navalny’s mother to accept a secret burial

Russia presents an ultimatum to Navalny’s mother to accept a secret burial

Russia presents an ultimatum to Navalny’s mother to accept a secret burial

He Russian Instruction Committee (CIR) today presented an ultimatum to the mother of the leader of the Russian opposition, Alexey Navalnyaccept a secret burial in order to avoid public expressions of rejection against the Kremlinas reported today by the late politician’s supporters.

“An hour ago an instructor called my mother’s mother. Navalny and gave him an ultimatum. Or within the hour he accepts a secret burial without a public farewell or Alexei “He will be buried in prison.”he denounced Kyra Yarmishspokesperson for Navalnyon his Telegram channel.

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He added that his mother, Lyudmila Navalnaiarefused to negotiate with the CIRarguing that its researchers “They have no power to decide how and where to bury their children.”

It requires that the law be respected that obliges instructors to hand over the body within two days from the moment the causes of death are determined.” he pointed out.

Yarmish remember that mother already signed in the arctic city of Salehard the corresponding medical certificate and, therefore, “These two days end tomorrow, Saturday.”

He insists that the authorities leave him celebrate the funeral and the panegyric according to traditions.” Christians, he points out.

The team of Navalny today filed another lawsuit under Article 244 of the Russian Criminal Code in “desecration of the body of the deceased”.

The mother of the Russian opponent accused the authorities in a video on Thursday of threatening her and wanting to bury her secret” so that his supporters cannot say goodbye to the number one enemy of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin.

“I do not agree with this. I want you, those who appreciated Alexei“For those of you for whom his death was a personal tragedy, please have the opportunity to say goodbye to him.” he said.

A few days ago, the mother also sent a letter to the Russian president asking him to hand over her son’s body, who died suddenly on February 16, “natural causes”, a version that his supporters reject.

Numerous Russian artists, intellectuals and journalists in exile joined the campaign launched by Navalny’s allies on his Telegram channel for return of the body.

The widow of NavalnyYulia, who was received the day before in San Francisco by the President of the United States, Joe Bidendirectly accuses Putin of ordering the assassination of his main political opponent.

Next, Biden announced the biggest package of sanctions with the Kremlin since the start of the war in Ukraine two years ago “Putin’s blatant disregard for human life.”

The Kremlin vehemently denied all accusations and called to await the results of the autopsyalthough Putin has not publicly alluded to the matter.

Source: Elcomercio

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