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Several marches in Argentina demanding food assistance

Several marches in Argentina demanding food assistance

Several marches in Argentina demanding food assistance

Thousands of people marched this Friday in the main cities of the Argentina complain to the government of Javier Milei food assistance to community kitchens and rejecting adjustment policies, when the crisis has already pushed poverty to more than 50% and inflation exceeds 250% in annual terms.

In good airthe main protest was concentrated at the doors of the Ministry of Human Capitalin the city center, responsible for social assistance.

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“The food emergency cannot wait any longer, all it takes is adjustments” fThis was the motto of the appeal launched by social organizations and left-wing parties as part of a fight plan to make visible the situation of around 38,000 community kitchensthe last resort of those hardest hit by the economic crisis.

Since taking office on December 10, the ultraliberal president has placed in progress a strong adjustment that resulted in January in the first fiscal surplus after 12 years of balances in the red.

The other side is growing social tension fueled by layoffs, drop in retirementincreases in the prices of food and medicine and a blow to public service tariffs due to the reduction in subsidies which represented, for example, the increase in bus fares by 250% from one day to the next in good air.

No to increasing transport”, “Hunger doesn’t wait”, “The pans are empty, so are the pockets” were some of the slogans on the posters that the protesters carried in front of the ministry.

Some popular kitchens reported that they received from the government last batch of food last November and since then they have depended on donations and municipal aid to serve more people seeking help every day.

The government argued that it seeks to achieve maximum vulnerable through direct aid and avoiding the intermediation of social organizations, most of which are contrary to the government.

Instead, it made a food assistance agreement with evangelical churches to around US$200,000 and another for almost double with Cáritas Argentinadependent on the Church Catholic.

The ministry of Human capital announced last month the start of a survey in cafeterias “for the transparent purchase of food”, But community centers reported that while they were doing so, all deliveries were suspended.

“There would be no reason to stop sending food to community kitchens,” the presidential spokesman insisted on Friday, Manuel Adornirejecting the complaints.

On the other hand, the government requires the continuity and updating of Power carda direct monthly subsidy for parents of up to two children, which in February reached 69,000 Argentine pesos ($78.5 at the official exchange rate).

Source: Elcomercio

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