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Milei to Blinken: Argentina returned to the side of democracy and freedom

Milei to Blinken: Argentina returned to the side of democracy and freedom

Milei to Blinken: Argentina returned to the side of democracy and freedom

The Argentine president, Javier Mileisaid this Friday before the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinkenthat under your command Argentina returned “to the side” of democracy and freedom.

Argentina decided to return to the side of the West, to the side of progress, to the side of democracy and, above all, alongside freedom”, explained Milei When asked by the press about his message to U.S.

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The president, of the ultra-libertarian party Advances of Freedommade these statements upon receiving Pink House (seat of Government) to Blinkwho is on an official visit to Argentina for the first time.

Milei It is Blink They met in a room at Casa Rosada and sat around a table along with other Argentine and American officials.

Before the meeting, the Secretary of State made a guided tour of the may Squareiconic place where mothers and grandmothers of people disappeared by the dictatorship since 1977 gather. Argentina.

The meeting between Milei It is Blink takes place the day before the president ultralibertarian trip to Washington to participate in the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPACin English), the largest annual meeting of the American right, where it will coincide with the former president and Republican candidate donald trump.

Despite the proximity Milei with the Republican, the administration of Democrat Joe Biden built a close relationship with the new Argentine government in its first two months in office.

Blink it’s at Argentina few days after the visit of the head of the State Department to the Latin America, Brian Nicholswho praised the “extensive effort” of Milei for reform the Argentine economy”.

The new Government is focused on a package of reforms to deregulate the country’s battered economy and, in foreign policy, has aligned itself with the US after the years of Kirchnerism.

Milei invited the Ukrainian president to his inauguration, Volodimir Zelenskyand recently visited Israel to demonstrate his support for the Jewish State, gestures that U.S go with pleasure.

Also on the meeting’s agenda is the situation of Venezuelaafter the electoral disqualification of the opposition presidential candidate was confirmed Maria Corina Machado.

Blink Arrived at good air after passing Brazilwhere he met with the president of the South American giant, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and participated in the meeting of chancellors of the G20 in Rio de Janeiro.

Source: Elcomercio

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