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Netanyahu reveals post-war plan: a Gaza without weapons, with Israeli security and without UNRWA

Netanyahu reveals post-war plan: a Gaza without weapons, with Israeli security and without UNRWA

Netanyahu reveals post-war plan: a Gaza without weapons, with Israeli security and without UNRWA

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahurevealed last night for the first time, and after four and a half months of war in Linkhis plan for ‘the day after’ the conflict, in which he detailed a demilitarized Strip, whose security will depend Israel and in which there is no UNRWA.

In a document, presented on Thursday night to the war cabinet for approval and published today by the Prime Minister’s Office, Netanyahu recalled the short-term objectives: to destroy the military capabilities and government infrastructure of both Hamas and Islamic Jihadrelease the hostages and prevent Link be a threat again.

TO KNOW MORE: Negotiations to release hostages in Gaza “are going well”, according to the US.

In the medium term, the president announced a Range where Israel will maintain freedom of military operations “no time limit”with a security perimeter in the division and Israeli control of the border between Link It is Egypt to prevent the reappearance of “terrorist elements in Gaza strip”.

“O ‘South fence‘will operate, as far as possible, in cooperation with Egypt and with assistance from the United States, and will be based on measures designed to prevent smuggling from Egypt, both underground and airborne, including the Rafah crossing.details the document.

Also, Israel says it will maintain security control over West Bank It is Linkwhile in the enclave “there will be complete demilitarization”beyond what is necessary to maintain public order.

Respect for civil administration and public order, they would be regulated by local officials with administrative experience far from “countries or entities that support terrorism and will not receive payments from them”, says the document, which announces a “full program”of what he calls the deradicalization of religious and educational institutions in the enclave, with the help of other Arab countries.

Long-term, Netanyahu insisted on refusing a state Palestinian or the “international dictates on a permanent agreement” and predicted the end of the Agency of UN for refugees (UNRWA), “whose agents were involved in the massacre of October 7th”, repeats the text, despite the lack of conclusive evidence since Israel launched this accusation against a group of them at the end of January.

Israel will work to disrupt the activities of the UNRWA at the Gaza strip and replace them with responsible international aid agencies,” details the plan.

Source: Elcomercio

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