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Two years of resilience in Ukraine: 21 embassies in Peru speak out

Two years of resilience in Ukraine: 21 embassies in Peru speak out

Two years of resilience in Ukraine: 21 embassies in Peru speak out

It’s been two years since Russia began an unprovoked war of aggression against the sovereign state of Ukraine, in violation of international law, undermining their right to territorial integrity and causing a global economic “shock”, resulting in high levels of inflation around the world. We should also not forget the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014, which celebrated its tenth anniversary on 19 February.

Multiple reports reveal the magnitude of this attack: the horrific suffering caused by the war and human rights violations perpetrated by Russia, as well as the brutal reality of its humanitarian, cultural and economic consequences. Faced with this situation and to mark two years since the invasion of Russia, the signatory countries unite to reiterate once again our rejection of Russian aggression and our continued support for Ukraine.

This concerns us all: Russia’s violation of the United Nations Charter strikes at the heart of the norms on which our international coexistence, security and prosperity depend. The human cost of Putin’s war has been terrible: in addition to the enormous military losses, tens of thousands of civilians have been killed, more than 10 million have been displaced or forced to flee their country, and nearly 17 million are in need of humanitarian assistance. . Furthermore, the global economic impact reached Latin America. The initial impact of the war caused a global increase in fuel, fertilizer and food prices, which Peru felt deeply.

Ukraine demonstrated its determination to defend itself against the attack. Russia is not winning. He’s been in a war for two years that he thought would last days. Hundreds of thousands of dead or injured fellow Russians weigh on his conscience. With international support, Ukraine recovered half of its land illegally confiscated by Russia, largely withdrew the Black Sea Fleet from Crimea and resumed maritime exports of cereals. Supporting Ukraine is an investment in Ukraine’s security, but also in the freedom, democracy and security of a world with a human and peaceful face, which is why it must continue to be considered a joint task of the international community.

Russia has shown no remorse for its actions, for the thousands of civilian lives – children and women – lost, or for the subsequent effects they have had on the global economy and people. It is no surprise that the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Putin. Russia cannot be territorially rewarded for violating international law and illegally invading a sovereign neighboring country. Such a precedent would be incredibly dangerous.

As an international community, we support Ukraine’s peace formula. It is currently the only comprehensive framework for a just, sustainable and unconditional peace in Ukraine. It derives from the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the United Nations Charter, but also includes global dimensions of food security, energy security, nuclear security, the environment and the deportation of Ukrainian children. Our job is to promote peace. We can do so by maintaining pressure on Russia through sanctions and maintaining strong humanitarian, political, financial and military support for Ukraine. In this context, we appreciate Peru’s important position in defending international law and supporting it in multilateral forums.

The war could end tomorrow if Russia simply withdrew its troops from Ukrainian territory without conditions or impositions, and its attacks will cease. The bravery and resilience that the Ukrainian people have demonstrated in the face of Russian aggression has been astonishing. As a free and democratic country, Ukraine has the right to decide its own future. It is in the interests of all of us that he emerges victorious and that the inhabitants can live in peace and begin to rebuild what was destroyed. Until this point is reached, we will stand with Ukraine.


German Ambassador to Peru


Australian Ambassador to Peru


Austrian Ambassador to Peru

Mr. Mark Van de Vreken

Belgian Ambassador to Peru

Mr Louis Marcotte

Canadian Ambassador to Peru

Mr Henrik Bramsen Hahn

Ambassador of Denmark to Chile, Peru and Ecuador

Mr. Alejandro Alvargonzález

Saint Martin

Spanish Ambassador to Peru


Finnish Ambassador to Peru

Mr Marc Giacomini

French Ambassador to Peru


Ambassador of Greece to Peru

Mr. Massimiliano Mazzanti

Italian Ambassador to Peru

Mr. Tsuyoshi Yamamoto

Japanese Ambassador to Peru

Mr. Michael O’Shaughnessy

Chargé d’Affaires of the New Zealand Embassy in Santiago, Chile, accredited to Peru

Mr.Alexandre Kofman

Dutch Ambassador to Peru

Mrs. Antonina Madalena


Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Peru

Mr. Joaquim Moreira de Lemos

Ambassador of Portugal in Peru

Mr Gavin Cook

UK Ambassador to Peru

Mr Josef Hlobil

Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Peru

Mrs. Camélia Ion-Radu

Ambassador of Romania to Peru

Mr. Tomas Wirkund

Swedish Ambassador to Chile and Peru

Mr. Gaspar Frontini

Ambassador, head of the European Union delegation in Peru

Source: Elcomercio

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