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Donald Trump presents himself as a “proud political dissident” at the annual US conservative convention

Donald Trump presents himself as a “proud political dissident” at the annual US conservative convention

Donald Trump presents himself as a “proud political dissident” at the annual US conservative convention

Former North American President Donald Trump (2017-2021) presented himself this Saturday as a “proud political dissident” at the annual conservative North American convention CPAC, in a speech witnessed by far-right leaders such as Argentine President Javier Milei.

“Today I stand before you not only as your past and, I hope, future president, but also as a proud political dissident. “I am a dissident,” the former Republican president said without hesitation.

Since the death, a week ago, of Russian political dissident Alexei Navalny in the prison where he was being held – a death for which the US Government blames Vladimir Putin – Trump has dedicated himself to comparing himself to him.

While Navalny was serving time for his criticism of Putin, Trump is charged with 91 counts and will face four civil trials for crimes such as bribery, attempting to invalidate an election or illegally withholding confidential documents.

Trump participated this Saturday in the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC, in English), which ends today and began last Wednesday, in which figures from the national and international far right participated.

Among them the president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele; Argentine President Milei; the president of the far-right Spanish party VOX, Santiago Abascal or the son of former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro, Eduardo Bolsonaro.

The last three were present this Saturday at Trump’s speech, one of the most anticipated by dozens of participants in the great congress of the North American far right, which this year served to position Trump as the only Republican candidate for the next presidential elections.

In his speech, Trump reviewed his favorite topics, including immigration, and once again promised that, when he returns to the White House, he will not only build his famous wall – which he did not build when he was president – but that he will carry out “the greatest deportation of history”, removing 18 million people from the United States.

There were also constant references to President Joe Biden – who is expected to be his rival next November – and countless mockeries, verbally and through mime, laughing at his advanced age.

And once again he referred to himself as the victim of a political hunt against him carried out by “corrupt Joe Biden”. “Not even Al Capone was indicted that many times,” he said.

According to the former president, next November 5th, the date on which the United States holds elections, will be “the new Liberation Day” of the “liars, cheats, scammers, censors and impostors who have taken over” the Government. “It will be judgment day and our victory will be my final and absolute revenge,” he added.

Although Trump knows he is the favorite and the numbers prove him right, there are still five months until the Republican convention in which the candidate will be formally chosen. After participating in CPAC, Trump will travel to South Carolina, where elections will be held this Saturday as part of the primary process.

And Trump still has an opponent, former United States representative to the UN, Nikki Haley.

But for CPAC participants, Trump is the only candidate, to the point that the debate is already beginning to decide who will be number two.

The CPAC organization is carrying out a poll in which participants are invited to choose Trump’s best running mate, results that will be known at the end of the event.

The list contains about twenty names of potential candidates, including Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina; New York legislator Elise Stefanik or Ohio Senator JD Vance.

Some of them took to the stage at the convention center where CPAC is being held these days to present their blind and unconditional support for the former president.

Source: Elcomercio

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