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War in Ukraine: why Emmanuel Macron breaks the taboo on ground forces

War in Ukraine: why Emmanuel Macron breaks the taboo on ground forces

War in Ukraine: why Emmanuel Macron breaks the taboo on ground forces

Late on Monday, February 26, as European leaders were leaving the Elysee Palace for a conference in support of Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron broke a taboo. Answering a question from the press about the possible dispatch of Western troops on the ground along with Ukrainian fighters, the head of state replied that if “today there is no consensus on sending in an official manner, assumed and approved by the ground forces,” (…)nothing can be ruled out in dynamics.”

The hypothesis has so far seemed like an insurmountable red line for Kyiv’s European and American allies. For one important reason: there can be no question of the risk of escalation, direct confrontation of European soldiers against Russian soldiers with Russia, a power equipped with nuclear weapons (like France, the only nuclear power in the EU). Didn’t President Joe Biden himself recently say that sending in NATO troops would be “World War III”?

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Source: Le Parisien

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