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More than 750 people are evicted from the illegal mine that collapsed in southern Venezuela

More than 750 people are evicted from the illegal mine that collapsed in southern Venezuela

More than 750 people are evicted from the illegal mine that collapsed in southern Venezuela

The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FÃNB) expelled 762 citizens from the illegal mine’Noise Crazy‘, located in the state of Bolívar (south, border with Brazil), which collapsed last week, leaving 16 dead and 36 injured, said this Tuesday the strategic operational commander of the military institution, Domingo Hernández Lárez.

According to the number published by the soldier in his report in Another 378 people were evacuated from the area, adding to the 384 recorded until last Friday, in the previous balance.

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To date, according to the control of the Territorial Defensive Systemwere evacuated from La Paragua Forest Reserve 762 citizenswho lived and lives illegally, carrying out mining and logistical support activities in an environmental preservation safety zone, affecting the headwaters of the region’s river basins.”, he stated.

The person responsible assured that “eviction operation will continue until the last illegal citizen is evacuated”thus referring to the people who lived there.

This Monday, the president Nicolás Maduro informed of the activation of a recovery plan for an area affected by illegal mining in the state Bolívar and ordered Hernández Lárez to carry out a recovery and reforestation plan for the site where the collapse of the mine was recorded, located within a Natural Park.

Maduro denounced that in the area of The umbrella -near the collapsed mine- there is a “set of serious irregularitiesbetween them “corrupt actions of some officials”which are being investigated in a process that he directs “personally”, which he will give more details when he has the report, “in the next few hours”.

In 2023, the Executive implemented an eviction plan in Venezuelan Amazon which culminated in the expulsion of more than 10,000 illegal miners, according to official reports, which do not provide details about the fate of these people or whether they faced any legal proceedings after evacuation.

Source: Elcomercio

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