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Macron is left alone as he leaves the door open to sending European troops to Ukraine

Macron is left alone as he leaves the door open to sending European troops to Ukraine

Macron is left alone as he leaves the door open to sending European troops to Ukraine

The French president, Emmanuel Macronwas left alone in his announcement to leave the door open to sending European troops to Ukraine to combat Russian aggression, which was not supported this Tuesday by any other foreign leader and which earned him harsh internal criticism from the opposition.

The day after creating surprise with his announcement that the sending of land forces to Ukraine cannot be deleted, Macron saw Berlin, Madrid, Rome or NATOamong others, they distanced themselves from his words, while in France he has been the center of attacks by the opposition, which accuses him of fueling an escalation of this conflict.

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Macron overcame an additional barrier to belligerence by making him plan for an existential risk for 70 million French people“said the leader of the extreme right Marina LePen at the National Assembly.

An accusation to which the Prime Minister responded, Gabriel Attalwho recalled that before the invasion of Ukraine In 2022 Le Pen defended a military alliance with Russia: “We wonder if the (Russian president’s) troops Vladimir Putin They are no longer in our country.”

The leftist leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon considered that the possible sending of troops would lead to France to go to war against Russia, which would be “madness”, while at the same time accusing Macron to be a “irresponsible”.

Faced with the avalanche of criticism, the head of French diplomacy Stephane Séjournéclarified to the deputies that, in no case, do they consider “overcoming the barrier of belligerence, while the Elysium He clarified that nothing will be done to increase the escalation.

At the same time, the French Presidency announced that the recent alliance reached between Macron and its Ukrainian counterpart, Volodimir Zelenskywill be the subject of parliamentary debate and voting, an initiative to which the Executive but this is interpreted as a way to end the controversy.

He french president He assured this Monday at the end of a summit with more than 20 European leaders on Ukraine that the deployment of land forces to Ukraine should not be excluded and recalled that, in the past, other red lines have already been crossed due to the persistence of the conflict.

Macron stated that nothing can be ruled out when it comes to achieving Russia lose this war.

Source: Elcomercio

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