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Trump will appeal court ruling banning him from Illinois primaries

The former president’s lawyers donald trump (2017-2021) will appeal “quickly”the decision of a judge in the state of Illinois who determined this Wednesday to eliminate the Republican from his party’s primary elections due to his role in the assault on the Capitol.

This is an unconstitutional decision that we will quickly appeal“, he stated in a statement Steven Cheungspokesman for the former president.

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A county court to cook ordered the Illinois Board of Elections to remove donald trump of electoral ballots from the primaries of the Republican party for his role in assault on the Capitol.

The decision was made by the Cook County Circuit Judge, Tracie Porterwho also issued an immediate suspension of his own order to give the former president’s lawyers time to appeal, until next Friday.

The Republican Party primaries in Illinois are celebrated on March 19th and after this court decision the state becomes the third in which something similar happens, after Colorado It is Maine.

Cheung blamed “democratic groups” what “They continue to try to interfere in the elections and deny President Trump his rightful place at the ballot box.”.

Trump himself published a message after learning of the court decision: “They just kicked me out of the vote again. Illinois Just Decided to Deprive Its Citizens of the Right to Vote for Me“, noted the former president in an email, one of several he sends daily, asking for donations for his campaign.

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In both Illinois and Maine and Colorado, judges based their decisions on so-called “insurrectionary prohibition” appearing in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution.

This already famous Section establishes that “nomember of Congress or official of the United States“who swore to the Constitution and”participated in an insurrection or rebellion” perhaps “president or vice president-elect”, among other public positions.

It was approved in 1868, after the Civil War, with the aim of preventing Southern Confederate rebels who betrayed the Magna Carta from returning to power.

In an unprecedented decision, the Colorado Court ruled in December that the 14th Amendment disqualifies the Republican from “insurrection”Since the attack on the Capitol in 2021, when a horde of Trumpists attacked Congress to try to prevent the ratification of Biden’s victory.

Under the same argument, Maine election officials also expelled Trump from the primary.

But those two decisions were put on hold because the Colorado decision was appealed to the Supreme Court of the United Stateswhich has not yet made a decision on the matter.

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The hearing before the Supreme Court was held on February 8 and in it the justices expressed reluctance about the implications that validating the state of Colorado’s decision to vote out Trump could have on a national level for the November elections.

Both the most progressive magistrates – and Sonia Sotomayor any Elena Kagan– like the most conservative ones – among them the president of the TS, John Roberts– suggested in their interventions discomfort with the idea of ​​individual states interpreting the constitutional eligibility of a candidate for national office.

Trump is the favorite to win the Republican nomination and face the president again Joe BidenDemocratic candidate, in the presidential elections to be held on November 5th.

Source: Elcomercio

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