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Bolivia: Government accuses Evo Morales of seeking a “structural crisis” through blockades

He Government of Bolivia this Saturday he accused the former president Evo Morales (2006-2019) to seek a “structural crisis” with the announcement of roadblocks and shorten the mandate of the Luis Arceto “impose” his candidacy in the 2025 presidential elections.

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“The blockades that Evo Morales planned are a blow to the economy, a siege on cities, a suffocation of production that aims to deplete cities of fuel and food,” said the Minister of the Presidency, María Nela Prada.

In recent weeks, the country has suffered an increase in some foods such as tomatoes, onions and rice, which the Government attributed to “speculation” and “personal political interests”.

Prada, in a statement at the Government House in La Paz, maintained that Morales intends to “generate a scenario of structural crisis” to “shorten the mandate” of Luis Arce.

“Evo Morales is willing to block our economy and convulse our country, to impose his candidacy by hook or by crook”said Prada.

Supporters of Morales, who is also leader of the ruling Movement to Socialism (MAS), warned that they would initiate roadblocks if Arce did not enact Law 075, which dismisses judges from the country’s highest courts.

The deadline established by the former president’s supporters expired on Thursday, which is why they suggested the application of pressure measures to achieve the promulgation of the rule.

The law was approved by the Legislature a few days ago in a controversial session in which “evista” legislators, related to Morales, participated, along with benches from the opposition parties Comunidad Ciudadana and Creo. While the “arcist” bloc, related to President Arce, was absent and denounced the illegality of that meeting.

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This week, the Plurinational Constitutional Court (TCP) declared “null” the acts of the parliamentary session presided over by the “evista” senator Andrónico Rodríguez, when the former president of the Legislature and vice-president of the country, David Choquehuanca, took office as part of his presidential trip. President Arce to Russia.

Minister Prada highlighted that “the blockades that Evo Morales organized have nothing to do with the magistrates”.

The day before, representatives of national and international heavy transport announced a strike on Thursday, June 27, so that the Government resolves the lack of dollars, the increase in food prices and the lack of fuel, among other sectoral demands. .

In this regard, Prada said that “dialogue has always been and will be open to sectors that seek to make their demands known” to the Government and that “do not lend themselves to Evo Morales’ intention of blocking” the country.

At the end of last year, the TCP expanded its functions and those of the judges of the country’s highest courts to avoid “a power vacuum” until judicial elections were held.

It also resolved that indefinite re-election “is not a human right” and that in the country it is applied “once” continuously or discontinuously. This affects Morales, who intends to be a candidate for the MAS in 2025, but who has already governed Bolivia three times (2006-2009, 2010-2014 and 2015-2019).

This meant that, at the beginning of the year, groups related to Morales carried out strong 16-day road blockades that were lifted after a multi-party agreement that led to a new call for judicial elections in February, a process that is stalled in Parliament. along with the approval of “anti-extension laws” for magistrates. EFE.

Source: Elcomercio

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