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Argentina: Milei announces closure of state news agency Télam

Argentina: Milei announces closure of state news agency Télam

Argentina: Milei announces closure of state news agency Télam

The president of Argentina, Javier Mileiannounced this Friday, during the opening speech of the ordinary sessions before the Legislative Assembly, that his Government will close the public news agency Télam.

When reviewing some achievements of his Executive, in the 82 days of management since taking office on December 10, The libertarian highlighted the closure of the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (Inadi)which he described as “thought police”who, he explained, “spent 2.8 billion pesos to maintain rented militants.”

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“In the same vein, we are going to close the Télam agency, “which has been used in recent decades as a Kirchnerist propaganda agency,” said the president.

He also referred to “immorality“what does that mean”spend money to buy the will of journalists” through official advertising in the media, which its Executive suspended for a year, “in a country where the people are hungry”.

Founded in April 1945, the Argentine public news agency Télam was in the sights of libertarians already since the electoral campaign, during which several leaders mentioned its possible privatization or closure, as happened with the remaining public media outlets.

However, the president today only cited Telam.

On February 5th, the Argentine Government published in the Official Gazette the decree of intervention for one year of all state media outlets within its policy of “reorganization of public companies”.

The portal, National Radio, Public Television, the news agency Telam and segmented Public Content signals (Encuentro, Paka Paka, Depor TV, ACUA Mayor and ACUA Federal) made up the list of media outlets intervened for one year – with the option of extension – by decree 117/2024.

Also included were the administration of the Audiovisual Production Center and the collection of the Argentine Audiovisual Bank of Universal Contents (Bacua).

According to the decree, the intervention’s mission was to “develop a reformulation, readjustment and action plan for companies”, which will include reviewing the administration of funds, changing the hiring regime and appointing or suspending employees.

The document appointed Diego Chaher and Diego Marías as auditor and deputy auditor, respectively, of Radio and Television Argentina and, ‘ad honorem’, of Télam, Public Contents and Both under the orbit of the chief of ministers, Nicolás Posse.

Source: Elcomercio

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