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Around 15,000 Israelis march to Jerusalem to demand a truce

Around 15,000 Israelis march to Jerusalem to demand a truce

Around 15,000 Israelis march to Jerusalem to demand a truce

Around 15,000 Israelis joined this Saturday in a foot march that culminates in Jerusalemled by the hostages’ families, to demand a truce agreement with Hamas to allow the return of the hostages he still holds captive.

The march began last Wednesday in Reimsite of the music festival where Hamas massacred around 360 people on October 7, and on Saturday afternoon arrived in Jerusalem, where they intend to demonstrate later in Paris Square, in front of the prime minister’s residence, Benjamin Netanyahu.

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After four days of walking, at the entrance to Jerusalem the protesters read the names of the 130 remaining captives in the enclave, around thirty of whom are presumed dead.

Several thousand people are expected to join the massive protest near Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem, but also in other cities across the country, to demand that the government negotiate a truce that will allow all captives to be brought back.

The hostages are now free Luis Har, Fernando Merman, Clara Merman It is Gabriela Leimberg -all family members kidnapped together in the kibbutz Nir Yitshak– led the final stretch of the march, shouting “we will continue marching together with the entire nation of Israel until everyone returns.”

Me and the rest of us who were here on stage, along with my daughter Mia, were kidnapped. When we were in Gaza, we all saw the march on Jerusalem in the television. Seeing this gave us so much strength, power and hope.”, he stated about a similar protest that already took place in November, a few days before the only truce reached to date.

Luis Har and Fernando Merman, Israeli-Argentines, they were the two hostages that Israel rescued alive on February 12 in Rafa, south of the Strip; while the women of the family were released during the truce agreement between 24 and 30 November, which allowed the exchange of 105 hostages for 240 kidnapped people.

“Israel cannot live with the idea that the hostages will not return. And if they don’t return, the State will have betrayed them.”Yair Lapid, leader of the opposition, stated in his report X.

Source: Elcomercio

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