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Putin pays tribute to female soldiers fighting in Ukraine

Putin pays tribute to female soldiers fighting in Ukraine

Putin pays tribute to female soldiers fighting in Ukraine

The Russian President, Vladimir Putinpraised on Friday the female soldiers who fight in Ukraine and those who support the offensive of Moscow against the neighboring country, on the occasion of the International Women’s Day.

This March 8th, put on He also issued a decree pardoning 52 women convicted and imprisoned, some of whom have military parents.

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In his speech, the Russian president paid special tribute to the “women who are in the area of ​​special military operations” in Ukraine and “who carry out combat missions.”

According to the Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigumore than 300 thousand women “serve and work in the armed forces” of Russia.

Last year it indicated that 1,100 of them “they fight” in Ukraine and the rest occupy support roles.

In another message on Friday, Shoigu showed his gratitude to the mothers of soldiers who fought in Ukraine. “They raised true patriots and brave defenders of the country”he said.

In recent weeks, a group of wives of deployed soldiers organized demonstrations in front of the Kremlin ask that their husbands be removed from the front and return Ukraine.

Source: Elcomercio

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