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New demonstrations in Rome against the health passport |  PHOTOS

New demonstrations in Rome against the health passport | PHOTOS

New demonstrations in Rome against the health passport |  PHOTOS

Thousands of protesters protested on Saturday afternoon in the center of Rome against the widespread use of the health passport, which will be mandatory from October 15 in all jobs in Italy.

Required since the beginning of August to enter a museum, sporting event or in the interior areas of a restaurant, this certificate sanitary requires a complete vaccination schedule, a recent negative test or a document that justifies having been cured of covid-19.

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Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi announced in mid-September that from October 15 it will be mandatory to access a job. For teachers or medical staff it already is today.

“They suspended us both [de empleo] two months ago”Cosimo, who worked as a nurse, like his wife, explained to AFP.

According to Cosimo, both he and his wife have immune and allergy problems and their GP authorized them not to be vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Despite this, they were suspended from salary and employment. “We have taken the case to a lawyer, since we have two twin sons, aged 20, and we must take care of them”he explained.

The manifestation, in which extreme right-wing groups also participated, was disturbed by some clashes with the police.

Maria Ballarin, a retiree, denounced “criminal and cowardly blackmail” by the State, which does not want to assume its responsibilities and decree the mandatory nature of vaccination.

“It is not an instrument to combat the pandemic (…), but to control the populationn, ”added her husband, Marco Salvatori, a bank employee who decided to advance his retirement and thus avoid taking a COVID-19 test one out of every two days.

The police had to resort to water cannons and tear gas to arrest the most violent. According to the AGI agency, several people were arrested.

Other demonstrations against the passport sanitary took place this Saturday in Italy: a second in Roma, another in Milan and another in Cesena (center).


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