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Colombia confirms the release of the nun kidnapped in Mali since 2017

Colombia confirms the release of the nun kidnapped in Mali since 2017

Colombia confirms the release of the nun kidnapped in Mali since 2017

The government of Colombia confirmed this Saturday the release of the nun Gloria Cecilia Narváez, who had been kidnapped in Mali in February 2017 by a jihadist group and expressed her joy at the news given by the Presidency of the African country.

“I am immensely happy to hear the news of the liberation in Mali of our beloved compatriot, the religious Gloria Cecilia Narváez, an objective that the National Government had set for ourselves and for which we had been working with President (Iván) Duque for many months “said the vice president and chancellor, Marta Lucía Ramírez, in a statement from her office.

The senior official assured that the Government had “multiple conversations and requests for international aid “ and that Duque met personally with various African leaders seeking his release.

Ramírez especially thanked the presidents of Mali, Senegal and Ghana for their help, and highlighted the help provided to the Government by former President Andrés Pastrana (1998-2002).

“We celebrate the return to freedom of Sister Gloria Cecilia Narváez Argote after so many years of captivity. Thank God you will soon be able to be with your loved onesyou, ”Pastrana said on Twitter.

The Presidency of Mali, in a statement, greeted “The courage and bravery of the sister” and he affirmed that his release is the result of four years and eight months of joint efforts by various intelligence services.

The president of that country, Assimi Goita, who received the nun today after her release, affirmed that “Efforts are still being made to free all the people, both Malians and foreigners, held on the territory of Mali.”


The nun was kidnapped on February 7, 2017 in Karangasso, in southwestern Mali, in the border areas with the Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso.

The nun, from the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Mary Immaculate, carried out her humanitarian and evangelization work on the African continent in Benin and later in Mali.

In December 2018, the jihadist group Nusrat al Islam wal Muslimin (Group for the support of Islam and Muslims), active in the Sahel region and allied with Al Qaeda, published the names of five hostages it had held hostage, including the Colombian nun. .

Different jihadist groups are operating in Mali, targeting the regular army and the forces of the UN mission (Minusma), and resorting to kidnappings to obtain funds or release their imprisoned members.


Vice President Ramírez, who is in France, said that together with representatives of the Government of that country, she analyzed the most recent survival tests of the Colombian nun.

“In our interviews with the Minister of Defense, Florence Parly, and the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, accompanied by Ambassador Mauricio Vargas, we reiterated the request for help,” said the Colombian Vice President and Foreign Minister, who also appreciated the support of that country.



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