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Netanyahu criticizes US senator’s call for Israeli elections as “inadequate”

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the Democratic leader of United States Senate for his call for new elections in IsraelWhat I consider “totally inappropriate“, as he said this Sunday in an interview with CNN.

We are not a banana republic“, declared Netanyahu, whom the senator Chuck Schumer qualified as “an obstacle to peace”.

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I think that the only government we should think about displacing is that of the terrorist tyranny of Linkthe tyranny of Hamas who murdered thousands of Israelis“, said the prime minister.

The president of U.S, Joe Bidenpraised as “a good speech”The Democratic senator’s statements last Thursday.

Schumer said that day that Netanyahu surrounded himself with right-wing extremists and “has been too tolerant of the loss of civilian life in Gaza, which is driving support for Israel to historic lows around the world”amid the conflict with the Islamic movement Hamas.

Israel cannot survive if it becomes a pariah” he pointed out.

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The conflict broke out in October 7thwhen Hamas commandos killed around 1,160 people in Israel, most of them civilians, according to an AFP count based on official Israeli data.

They also abducted around 250 people, 130 of whom are still detained in Gaza, although Israel estimates that 32 of them have died.

Israel responded with an intense bombing campaign and ground operations in Gaza that left more than 31,500 dead, most of them civilians, according to the Ministry of Health in the territory of 2.4 million inhabitants.

Source: Elcomercio

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