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The US expresses its support for protesters in Cuba, but denies being behind the protests

U.S This Monday he expressed his support for the protesters in Cubabut denied being behind the protests registered in some cities in the east of the island due to food shortages and prolonged daily blackouts.

The United States supports the Cuban people in exercising their right to peaceful assembly“, he expressed on social media Brian Nicholsresponsible for the State Department for Latin America.

LOOK HERE: Cuba summons the US ambassador for Washington’s “interference behavior”

Nichols further opined that “The Cuban Government will not be able to meet the needs of its people until it embraces democracy and the rule of law and respects the rights of its citizens”.

The undersecretary sent this message after the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the United States chargé d’affaires this Monday in To Havana, Benjamin Ziffto protest against the “interfering behavior” in washington.

O Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs attacked the message published on social media on Sunday by the US Embassy on the island, in which it spoke of the protests and urged the Government of Cuba for what “respect the human rights of protesters and meet the legitimate needs of the Cuban people”.

In a press conference this Monday, the State Department’s deputy spokesperson Patel sealreplied that “The United States is not behind the protests in Cuba” and described as “absurd” the Havana accusation.

Yesterday’s protests in several cities in Cuba demanded electricity, food and fundamental freedoms. I think that what we are seeing is a reflection of the serious situation on the island,” said Patel.

Several hundred people demonstrated this Sunday in Santiago de Cuba -the second city in the country- and in at least five other locations, mainly in the east of the island, to protest against food shortages and prolonged daily blackouts.

It was one of the biggest days of anti-government demonstrations recorded in Cuba since July 11, 2021, the most numerous protests in decades, in line with those of New (2022) and Alligator (2023).

MORE INFORMATION: Hundreds of people go out to protest in Santiago de Cuba due to lack of electricity and food | VIDEO

Cuba has been mired in a serious economic crisis for more than three years, with shortages of basic products, rampant inflation, prolonged daily blackouts and increasing dollarization, which has caused unprecedented migration and strong social discontent.

The blackouts have worsened in the last two months due to breakdowns in obsolete Soviet-made plants and a lack of fuel, with power cut rates reaching 45% during periods of greatest demand. These failures total more than 10 hours a day in many provinces of the country.

O covid-19 pandemicthe tightening of US sanctions and endogenous errors in economic and monetary policies have worsened the structural problems of the Cuban system in the last three years.

Source: Elcomercio

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