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Mexico pays US0 per month to Venezuelans deported after agreement with Maduro

Mexico pays US$110 per month to Venezuelans deported after agreement with Maduro

Mexico pays US0 per month to Venezuelans deported after agreement with Maduro

The government of Mexico grants 110 dollars per month for six months to Venezuelan migrants who return to their country under social programs following an agreement signed with the president Nicolás Maduroas revealed this Thursday by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Alicia Bárcena.

“It’s very important, we just signed an agreement with Venezuelawith the president, Nicolás Madurowhich is called ‘Return to the Homeland’. We are sending Venezuelans back to their country because we really can’t deal with these values“, indicated Bárcena at the Government’s morning conference.

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The Secretary of Foreign Affairs mentioned that the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador“instructed each migrant” to return to Venezuela “have support like this given here” in Mexicoof programs Young People Building the Futureof professional apprentices, and Sowing Lifefor peasants.

“So we already have a value that we are already giving to migrants who return to Venezuela“We actually give them a card so they can participate in a program,” he noted.

Itamaraty had already announced in December the resumption of repatriations of Venezuelans in Mexico with the support of the aforementioned Mexican programs linked to the ‘Vuelta a la patria’.

But now, Bárcena explained that there are agreements with Empresas Venezuelanas Polar y Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), as well as Mexican companies in that country, such as Bimbo and Femsa, to welcome returning migrants as apprentices.

We give them six months’ salary, it’s about US$110 a month.which is wonderful for them, and then there is an incentive for them to return, we have already managed to repatriate a very important number of Venezuelans”, described the diplomat.

The agreement comes in the face of the growth of irregular migration through Mexicowhich increased by 77.2% in 2023, exceeding 782 thousand people, of which the main country of origin was Venezuela, with almost 223 thousand, an annual increase of 131.81%, according to statistics from the Government’s Migration Policy Unit.

“We have relations with all governments and in this we try to guarantee cooperation because they all pass through our territory”, defended López Obrador.

Source: Elcomercio

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